Page 11 of Cuff Me

I felt a shift in the mood, and Max even glanced at me.

“Are you okay going home there?” Max asked.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine. It’s just weird. I had only ever seen that ugly yellow tape in movies. I mean I see cops all the time at work, but this is a little much. This isn’t a robbery or a car accident. This is a freaking murder. Sorry, I’m rambling.” I murmured.

I felt my entire face heat at the sound of their chuckles, but it really didn’t seem like they were laughing at me. I wrung my fingers together nervously and twisted my lip.

“That’s okay. It’s a little cute.” Nate untwisted my fingers and then rested his hand on my knee. It was a heavy, hot, and large hand and I stared at it for a good while before I could manage to glance at him. His gaze was hot and his smirk permanent.

I looked away and realized what was really going on. But still, I kept thinking there was no way.

“That’s what Alex said,” I said mostly to myself, but they all heard. Great.

“So, are the scrubs part of some role play or are you a nurse or something?” Nate asked me, with his hand still on my leg. He didn’t plan on moving it any time soon.

“I’m an ER nurse.”

“Sounds intense.” Alex made a sharp turn and I wondered where the hell he got his license. It shifted me farther in the seat, closer to Nate. I guess I didn’t mind. He smelled like fresh laundry and a shower.

“Sometimes. Only when we get a bunch of cops in there. Or firefighters. Any of those types really.” I cleared my throat.

“That’s understandable. Do you like it though?” Max asked. It sounded like they actually wanted to get to know me.

“I do. I love my job. Most people don’t get to say that so I’m grateful. Um, do you guys like your jobs?” I swallowed back more nerves. Sure, it was intimidating but I was comfortable around them, in this odd and interesting way.

“We do. But Alex over here had to sell out.” Nate teased. I giggled a bit.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, we’ve all been on the force for the same amount of time. But I took the promotion exam and became a detective. The ceremony was actually earlier today.” Alex explained.

“Yeah. We just didn’t want that paperwork to deal with. I respond mostly to missing and exploited children cases, Nate has his own thing.” Max added.

I looked to Nate, hoping he would explain. He nodded, and his smile faded for about a millisecond.

“I have one of those TV worthy stories.”

“Really?” I looked at him.

I wanted to touch his hand so badly, but I wasn’t sure what to really do. I was attracted to them, all of them. And I didn’t understand it. I also didn’t know if they were all really into me. I mean, sometimes guys just like to be…guys, I guess. Sure, the sexual tension in the car could be shredded with a knife. But I didn’t want to make the wrong move and have them fighting with each other. How shallow of me. But I also had no idea how to…make a move, I suppose.

“Yeah. I was eighteen, stopping at the gas station to try and score beer. Anyway, the place was getting robbed and the owner got shot. I kind of hid out and called 911, more or less neutralizing the situation. But, now every time I go there, the owner gives me free beer.” He grinned like he wasn’t sure of himself, though I couldn’t imagine why.

“Wow. You saved his life.” Alex took another sharp turn, and Max punched him in the arm.

“Yeah, maybe. But, that’s enough about me. Any crazy story about being a nurse?”

“Uh, nope. Just kind of fell into it.” I lied. He gave me a look, but didn’t pry. I enjoyed them being so open, but I just wasn’t wired that way.

“Tell us how you know about guns so well,” Alex asked. We were stuck in a traffic neck in the city.

“Um. My dad taught me. He was in the Army, so sometimes he forgot I wasn’t one of his troops.” They all gave me weird looks. “He wasn’t like, abusive or anything. I mean the cool stuff like shining shoes and pressure points.” I giggled slightly at the memory.

“That’s pretty sweet. Maybe that’s why we all got to be friends eh, dead beat dads?” Nate laughed.

“Probably so.” Alex sighed.

We were silent for a while. Not even the radio was on. But it was nice, the silence with them. Though it was weird, in a way.