Page 90 of Scandal

“I know. I’m not tired.” I lied.

“I wanted to check on you. Did you get you invitation to the gala? You still need it to get in. Natalie told me she spoke with you.”

“Yeah, we’re having dinner tonight. I didn’t get an invitation though.”

“Look in the mail.”

My mom’s voice was very soft and soothing, she hadn’t asked me anything or even given me any advice and I already felt better. I went to the mail opening at my door, sure enough I found a gold bordered, eggplant colored invitation to the charity gala. This one was for a scholarship fund to underprivileged kids.

“I found it.” I told her.

“Good. I’m glad you’re seeing your sister tonight, you know she gets lonely easily. With Kevin being gone and all.”

I nodded to myself.

“Yeah, she does.”

“And how about Vivian?” I still cringed at the sound of her name. Crazy.

Ten years ago, when we first met I was head over heels for her, thought she was the one for me. Then money changed her—she got implants, micro bladed brows, lip injections, injections everywhere pretty much. It was my money too, not that it mattered. I thought I was just helping her in her quest to feel beautiful. Little did I know I was making it easier for her to find someone else.

“What about her, mom?” I couldn’t hide the frustration in my voice. How many people would ask me about this woman today?

“Did she sign the papers? It has been weeks.”

“I know. No, she hasn’t. Levi is trying to get her to sign by Monday. I want to be done with it.”

“I know, honey. We do too. It’s really too bad what she told everyone, when your dad and I hear about it we try to set people straight.” She scoffed. Her otherwise soft and easy voice was strained. I hated when mom worries, especially when it was over me.

“Don’t worry about all that, mom. People will think what they want.”

“I know, but they shouldn’t. You’re such a good boy. And you’re the one that got hurt here.” She insisted.

“Yeah. But really, don’t worry mom.”

“I’ll try. Your dad is on the deck with a cigar, he’ll probably call you later.”

“Uh, please tell him not too. I’ve had enough phone calls for the day.”

She laughed aloud.

“Tristan, stop being so rude. Anyway, I’ll tell him you are with Natalie. I just wanted to check on you. And you are coming to the gala, right?”

“Yes, of course mom.”

“Good. If you need me to find you a date, I can…”

“No, I’m okay. Thanks though.” I silenced that idea quickly. With my luck, she already had three people lined up.

“Okay, if you insist. Be nice to your sister.” She said, her stern tone breaking through.

“I will. Talk to you later, mom.”

“Bye honey, I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Maybe I should be grateful I even have family willing to bother me all day. I was being overdramatic, but when everyone kept asking about my ex, what am I supposed to do? Part of me wanted to call her and dish out all of the choice words I have for her, but that would be stooping to her level and I won’t give her that satisfaction. After all of this nonsense, I don’t even think I’ll ever date again.