Page 8 of Scandal


My appearance clearly took him off guard as well. He froze, locking eyes with me as his eyebrows shot into the air and his jaw dropped. But then, suddenly, he appeared to remember he was on duty, and there was a much more serious matter at hand. It was not time for either of us to reminiscence about the previous night.

About his lips on my skin. His cock filling me completely. About the six orgasms I had. A new record for me.


His professional face back on, Colt pulled Barry to his feet. “Come on. We need to vacate the area. Follow me.”

Without further instruction, my father, Barry, and I followed Colt. Other armed security guards arrived on the premises, positioning themselves at all entrances of the hotel. More and more sirens blared outside as additional police cars, ambulances, and firetrucks arrived on the scene.

All the while, we followed Colt toward the back of the building, bypassing confused hotel guests.

“Get in your rooms and stay there until further notice!” Colt instructed without breaking stride.

We continued down a winding path, which ended with us going down a flight of stairs and into the basement, where piles of dirty sheets

and towels waited to be cleaned. Finally, we headed out a back door and into an alley, where we were met by a car that seemed to be waiting specifically for us.

“Is this everyone?” the driver asked as Colt held the back door open for us.

“Yes,” Colt answered. “The Speaker, his manager, and…”

“My daughter,” Dad answered as he slid into the car after Barry.

“Right…” Colt said, glancing at me.

As I climbed into the backseat of the vehicle after my father, Colt’s hand briefly brushed against the small of my back, as if giving me a boost. The feel of it was so absentminded though, he didn’t seem aware of doing it.

He slammed the door behind me and then hurriedly climbed into the passenger’s seat.

“I can’t believe this,” Dad said, bringing his head down to his hands. “This was an attack on me, wasn’t it?”

“I’m not one for speculation, Speaker,” Colt responded. “I’m just doing my job.”

“Who sent you?”

“The campaign. We were informed that you were here on business, and that extra safety precautions needed to be put into place since you are in consideration for the vice presidency of the United States. You’re a target for enemies now.”

Dad swallowed. He glanced toward me, and I could see the panic he attempted to hide. He took my hand and squeezed it. He then turned back to Colt.

“Where the hell was my usual team? Didn’t they sweep this place?”

“I’m not sure sir, we weren’t in contact with any of them. My team was an extra precaution, only to be mobilized if needed. Honestly sir, I didn’t want to have to work this week.”

“No, I guess you didn’t.”

“Your team?” I choked out, the dust still coming up from my lungs.

Colt passed us waters and we all began to drink.

“Yes, my team. I work in private security for high level assets.”

It looked like we both had our secrets.

“Thank you for getting us out of there safely. I’ve got my daughter with me and if anything had happened to her…” He took a deep breath. “Listen, just know that if you are ever back on U.S. soil, you’ll have a job. No doubt about it. Just look me up.”

Colt nodded. “Thank you, Speaker Finley, that’s very kind of you. But I’m just doing my job, sir.”