Page 55 of Scandal

Lawson said, “Look, jus

t stay for the evening, see what you think, maybe stay for the auction, okay? I’m sure he will be here shortly. I need to meet some more people. I’ll see you later. Thanks again for swinging by.”

We shook hands and Lawson left the booth.

I could see right through him. He was all talk, and the District Attorney was never going to show. Once I walked past the fake bar outside and found myself in a glitzy nightclub, I discovered it was only another front. I could only guess what kind of schemes Lawson was involved in, but whatever it was, I wanted no part of it.

I had enough of my own shit to deal with.

I finished my drink and left the booth, walked through the lounge area, and headed towards the exit. Taking a closer look at the guests now I was seeing men we had dealt with in the past. Men whose wives would not be too pleased that they were here. Even though I might not get to see the District Attorney tonight, maybe coming Chicago Buyer’s Club wasn’t such a bad idea, after all. These bored assholes were here thinking that they were getting away with everything.

I needed another drink, just one more before I bailed. Maybe I could hear some of the gossip before I fled, making the trip worthwhile.

I changed my course and turned towards the bar. It was empty, save for a few people, as everyone else was going milling around making deals.

I was almost at the bar when I stopped short.

At the bar, leaning on a stool, was a girl.

Her tight black dress caught my eye first, and when I looked up at her face… There was something in the way her face was animated that made it hard to take my eyes off her. She brushed her blonde hair over her shoulder, and I no longer saw anything but her.

Fuck she was hot.

Filling out her dress, perfect lips that would look good on my cock. And a tight ass I would love to screw from behind. Where had she been hiding?

I wished I could hear what she was talking about, but her friend was right there, and she was so involved in the conversation that I didn’t want to disturb them. With any other girl, I would’ve been standing there with them, but I found that I could only stand there like an idiot and stare.

Why was she here? I couldn’t imagine a girl of her beauty would just stumble into this miserable place. Her sex appeal, her look, everything about her screamed at my cock begging me for attention.

Finally, the other girl, the one with short black hair, left the bar, leaving her friend alone, and I decided to make my move.

Chapter 5


“Okay, I’ll run to the ladies’ room real quick and be right back. The auction should begin soon.” Isabell said.

“Yeah, sure, let me know when we need to go.”

Isabell danced away, and I turned to face the stage. The DJ was hard at work, getting the crowd excited. I assumed this was supposed to relax the guests and get them a little drunk before the auction. By this point in the night the men would be careless and emotional enough to really get into the bidding process.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of me, blocking my view.

“Would you mind?” I asked annoyed, I needed to see what was going on. I was looking for Ava to give us some sort of sign.

But when I raised my eyes to look at the man, all my frustration disappeared. I caught his eyes, deep blue like I’d never seen before, and then his smile, bright and warm in this sea of fakeness. He did step aside, claiming the seat next to me.

Good lord he was sexy. His muscles bulged under his suit. His dark hair against tan skin, like he’d been in the sun.

I had forgotten about the stage and the dance floor. The man kept looking at me and smiling, and I couldn’t help but smile back. It was sincere and so simple, that I turned away from the room and towards him, my elbow on the bar, as if I was the bartender.

“May I help you?”

“You might.”

It was at that moment that I decided that whatever happened after this, the night wouldn’t be wasted. Just this small interaction with this absolute hottie was better than anything I’d had in month. I already imagined going out with him.

Going on a romantic picnic somewhere in the country, away from the busy city, from all the noise and the troubles. We could spend a nice weekend at a resort or on the beach, if the weather allowed…