Page 72 of 5+Us Makes Seven

“Okay. I’m going to treat this like a physical as well as your first OB-GYN appointment. I’m going to take a urine sample, I’m going to listen to your heart and your lungs, I’m going to check certain parts of your body for any mysterious lumps or polyps, then we’re going to draw some blood.”

“I did have regular check ups in Africa. Do you want me to see if I can get those medical records?” I asked.

“With all due respect, I’d like to run these tests first without any sort of pretense. Then, we’ll start talking specific prenatals and get you an ultrasound to see what’s going on inside.”

“Okay,” I said. “Sounds good.”

Carter and the doctor stepped out so I could undress, but my mind was spinning. What if I had contracted something in Africa? What if whatever was going on with me was my own doing? What if I had unknowingly placed our unborn child in danger?

I felt myself getting sick and I rushed for the trashcan.

I pulled the gown closed in front as I heaved into the bin. The door flew open and Carter was at my side, holding my hair back and rubbing his hand along my arms. I was shaking with fear. My exhaustion was beginning to take over. Vomit was dripping from my mouth as my eyes fluttered closed.

“Let’s get her on the table if we can,” the doctor said.

I felt myself being lifted into the air as I spit one last time into the trash can. The light in the room turned off and that mitigated the headache that was coming on. I could see a bright light flashing in my eyes as Carter’s hands massaged my feet. Trying to keep me as calm as I could be while the doctor checked me out.

Blood was taken and saliva tests were administered. I had a nurse help me keep upright so I could pee in the cup without making a mess. How had things gone so wrong so quickly? It felt like things were finally falling into place. Tears dripped down my cheek as I laid back down on the bed, feeling the doctor’s hands slowly creeping up my legs.

My stomach.

My sides.

My breasts.

I must’ve nodded off, because Carter was shaking my arm before something cold fell to my stomach. I jumped and looked down, my eyes ripping open to take in what was happening. I saw the ultrasound wand rubbing some gooey gel along my stomach as a pulsing sound roared to life.

“You hear that?” the doctor asked. “That’s your child’s heartbeat.”

I looked over at the screen as Carter squeezed my hand. Tears of happiness dripped down my cheek as I looked at the little bouncing bean. All of that movement and yet, I couldn't feel a thing.

But then, another sound was heard.

A second thumping that pierced through the first strong rhythm.

“What’s that?” Carter asked.

I watched the doctor furrow his brow as he pressed deeper into my stomach.

“That kinda hurts,” I said.

“I’m sorry. Just… give me a few seconds.”

“Doctor, what’s going on?” Carter asked.

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

The first thumping sound faded into a second, slower one. My eyes darted over to the screen as Carter gripped my hand so tightly I thought it was going to break. I gritted my teeth and looked through my tears as another bouncing bean appeared on the screen.

It wasn’t moving as much as the first one, but it was there.

“Well,” the doctor said. “That explains a lot.”

“What does?” I asked.

“Is that what I think it is?” Carter asked.

“I guess every pregnancy really is different,” the doctor said with a smile. “Congratulations, you two. You're having twins.”