Page 96 of 5+Us Makes Seven



I was looking at my reflection in the full-length mirror in front of me, adjusting my slightly too tight work uniform. I pulled the hem of my shirt down over my hips, and wriggled my butt in my pants, glad that they were at least a little stretchy. I adjusted my boobs in my bra which was a little too tight, promising myself to buy some new clothes soon.

Maybe some sexy underwear. Not that I have anyone to show it to…

Happy that I’d managed to squeeze into my uniform, I headed downstairs for a quick breakfast before I’d need to head for work.

I clicked the small TV on that I had in my kitchen before lighting the stove and grabbing a pan. I half listened to the news anchor as I prepared some eggs and bacon.

“...has resurfaced in the town. Although the O’Rourkes are currently behind bars, we have an exclusive report that meth of a very similar quality is starting to appear again. Over to Vicky outside Freddie’s Biker Bar for more.”

“Thanks, John. Yes, we have had an exclusive report that O’Rourke-quality meth is starting to reappear on the streets, corroborated from a number of sources, who wish to remain anonymous.

I’m here outside Freddie’s where the now-famous shootout took place a few years back, leading to the deaths or arrests of the O’Rourke biker gang. How this meth has resurfaced is currently a mystery, but a number of theories have…”

I clicked the TV off, gritting my teeth as I felt a cold cramp of fear in my gut. I breathed in and out deeply as I poked at my bacon shakily.

You don’t need it anymore, Eden. Those times are behind you. Conall isn’t here to force you to do things you would never have dreamed of doing otherwise.

I’d been clean from meth for a number of years, since my ex-boyfriend Conall O’Rourke had disappeared, following his release from custody due to lack of evidence.

I hadn’t been a prolific user or hopeless addict, hell I didn’t even smoke it. Just a few lines when Conall and his biker mates wanted to drink and get high. Which was quite often, it turned out.

Since stopping the meth and with the violent and unpredictable Conall out of my life, I’d become a new person. Confident, witty and hardworking. I had worked two, sometimes three, jobs to save up a deposit for a place of my own after moving back with my parents for a while.

After getting my own place and everything I needed, I was now working two jobs; my day job at the most popular diner in town, and an occasional evening at a local bar.

The pay wasn’t too great, but the tips from both jobs boosted my income nicely and I was able to put away a fair amount of money each month. I was saving for a vacation, which I hadn’t had in god-knows how long. And I was considering a college course in accounting, so I could get a decent, well-paid 9 to 5.

Then I just have to meet a nice man to look after me, maybe have a few kids…

I sighed wistfully as I plated my bacon and eggs, adding a slice of slightly burnt toast to the side. I didn’t like to admit it to myself, but I was lonely. Working hard went some way to help me forget, but it didn’t give me any time to actually meet someone. The only men I usually met were the perverts who came in to ogle me at the bar.

I smiled to myself. Since I’d filled out and started to wear tighter clothes to show off my curves, I’d noticed my tips increased considerably, and I didn’t go a night without getting a drink or two bought for me.

Men. Just like animals sometimes. Why am I cursed to only meet violent thugs or old perverts?

My house phone rang as I took my first bite of breakfast.


I sprang up and half jogged to the phone.

“Hey, Eden here.”

It was my manager from the bar. I wasn’t due to work this evening, but apparently the usual waitress had come down sick earlier. I was his first call to find a replacement. Said the locals liked me, drank more when I was working, apparently.

“Sure thing, Bill. I’ll be in at eight. I’m not gonna turn down work. You know me.”

I went back to my breakfast, gobbling the eggs and bacon down hungrily. I’d half-finished my breakfast when there was a loud knock at the door. A loud, slow, ominous sound… knock… knock… knock.

It can’t be. No, it’s gotta be someone else. Has to be.

I froze at the sound of Conall’s signature knock at my front door. It would be just like him to turn up unannounced, march in like he owned the place. Start trying to manipulate me. Again.

I picked myself up, raising my chin confidently as I headed for the door.