Page 83 of 5+Us Makes Seven

Natasha’s back arched as I smoothed her hair from her face. She looked exhausted as her doctor checked to see how dilated she was. She was moaning and writhing and I was helpless to relieve her of any of the pain.

I felt helpless

And I didn’t like feeling helpless.

“We’re going to have to prepare the NICU for two children who are being delivered a month early,” the doctor said to the nurse. “Get two rolling bassinets in here and let’s get this show on the road.”

“What? What does that mean?” I asked.

“Natasha, you’re an incredible woman,” the doctor said. “I need you to answer something for me.”

“What?” Natasha asked breathlessly.

“How long have you been contracting?”

“Why does that matter?” I asked.

“Because she’s fully dilated and I need to know how long her children have been under this pressure,” he said.

“What?” I asked. “Natasha, what’s going on?”

“Are they okay? Are my babies going to be all… riiiiiiiiight!?”

Natasha roared out into the room as I held one of her legs to her chest. A nurse grabbed the other one as the rest of the room began to scramble. Someone was trying to place some sort of monitor on her stomach, but she kept swatting them away.

“We need to check the baby’s heart rates,” the nurse said.

“No time. Get over here and help me with this,” the doctor said.

Natasha’s eyes were rolling into the back of her head and I was beginning to fear the worst.

“Natasha. Sweetheart. I need you to keep your eyes open for me.”

“Tired,” she said.

“I know. I know you are. Holy hell, I can’t imagine what your body has gone through these past eight months.”

“Natasha, you’re doing wonderfully. Can you give me another big push?” the doctor asked.

I bent my lips down to Natasha’s ear as she shook her head side to side.

“You are the most powerful woman I’ve ever come across. You’re strong. Independent. Resilient and sexy. But these children need you now. They need you to dig down into a place you never thought existed. They need you to beat the animal inside until it’s angry with rage. Show them your power, Natasha. Show me your power.”

Her head fell over to catch my stare before a fire sparked in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and roared out into the room, bearing down with all of her might. The nurses were running around Dr. Bernhardt as she continued to push. Push after push, until she was wheezing and drenching the front of her hospital gown with sweat.

“One more,” the doctor said. “One more and you’re done, Natasha.”

I looked down into the eyes of the woman I loved as she drew in a deep breath.

She beared down with all her might, her legs curled into her chest. Her face turned red and she was shaking and I could’ve sworn her hand was about to break mine. The cry of our first child finally sounded out into the room, followed quickly by the second.

And tears of joy fell from both of our eyes as Natasha collapsed to the bed.

“Go… go see them,” she said. “Go. Go… and… see.”

I kissed her forehead as the nurse began to clean her up. I walked over to where the other nurses were cleaning off my children. A boy and a girl, as perfect as could be and filled with a life energy that made their squealish cries fill the room. They were wiped off and wrapped up before they were whisked away to the NICU, and I had every urge to follow them.

“Go, Daddy. I’ve got Momma here,” the nurse said.