Page 80 of 5+Us Makes Seven

She was a beautiful woman.

Next was a body scrub. I knew Natasha was getting self-conscious about all of the stretch marks popping up, so I had them use a specialized formula we could take with us afterwards. The sugar scrub helped to remove all the dead skin cells and the lotion they put on her body afterwards was very hydrating. That was apparently supposed to help the elasticity of the skin and help minimize the stretch marks that had already popped up.

Then, it was time for nails.

I was getting a manicure and a pedicure with her, but I was skipping all of the extra treatments. Natasha was going to have a good foot and arm massage as well as colors put on her nails. I told her to get whatever she wanted, no matter how long it took. We had this place for the ten hours it was open, so whatever she wanted to do was fine.

She was in heaven, and the smile on her face clenched my gut with happiness.

Once her nails were done, it was time for hair and makeup. What Natasha didn’t know was that I was slipping out during this portion. I had plans for us that evening. Plans that would require her to be in a dress.

And I knew she didn’t have any dresses that fit her body.

I walked around the maternity store trying to find something I thought would work. But nothing I found was nice enough for the evening I had planned. I walked across the street to a couple of other dress shops, but found nothing within the realm of what I was looking for. I was about to cancel the dinner reservations I had set up as I was walking back to the spa, but a dress in a store window caught my eye.

It was a deep, rich cherry red. It had support in the bodice for Natasha’s growing breasts and had loose sleeves that sat just off the shoulders on the mannequin. There was ample fabri

c around the middle of the dress that fell just past the mannequins knees. The empire waist was cinched just below the breasts, which would’ve sat at the perfect place for where Natasha was carrying our two children.

And there were matching flats in the display as well.

I went into the store and bought it right off the rack. I picked up the matching shoes and smiled as I walked out of the place. I dipped into a jewelry store and picked up a small pair of diamond earrings, then headed back into the spa. I asked to use one of their back rooms and told them to lead Natasha into it after she was done with her hair and makeup, and I made sure to write her a note so she would know what was going on.

Then, I went to go change into the suit I’d brought with me.

The hairstylist gave me a thumbs up as he was coming out of the room Natasha’s stuff was in. I was dressed in a navy blue suit with a crisp white shirt and a matching white tie. I stood there, waiting for Natasha to emerge.

I couldn’t wait to see her in her dress.

I heard the door open down the hallway and I stood to my feet. I smoothed my hands over my suit, then clasped them in front of my body. I saw her shadow emerging from the hallway and my heart started slamming against my chest.

No woman had ever made me nervous the way she did.

Nothing could have prepared me for how beautiful she looked. The moment she emerged from beyond the corner, I lost my breath. Her hair was piled high on her head, drenched in curls and framing her face perfectly. The diamond earrings were sparkling, accentuating the beauty of her eyes. Her breasts were round and full, bouncing with every step she took as the sleeves fell off her shoulders and accented her strong frame.

And the fabric of the dress fell along the curves of her body I had come to adore.

“Carter, this was way too much,” she said.

But I was speechless.

I couldn't stop taking her in.


My eyes whipped back up to hers as she cocked her head.

“Is something wrong?”

“Hell no,” I said. “You look-”

My lips kept opening and closing, trying to find the words to explain to her how wonderful she was. How perfect she looked. How incredible she was and how lucky of a man I had become to have her next to me. I wanted to show her off and have her to myself at the same time. I wanted to take a picture of her and muss up her hair and smudge her beautiful red lipstick against my cock.

But I also wanted to frame her. Worship her and treasure her in all the ways she deserved.

And I didn’t know which one to do first.

“Are you hungry?” I asked.