Page 73 of 5+Us Makes Seven



“Twins?” I asked.

“Twins,” the doctor said.

“Two… two children?” Natasha asked.

“I’m a little concerned about this second one, though. The heart rate isn’t as strong and its movements aren’t as energetic. It might be because of the lack of space, but it could also be something else. I’m going to put a rush on your lab results so we can have them back by tonight, and until then I want you on bedrest.”

“What?” Natasha asked. “Bedrest? What… Carter?”

“It’s okay,” I said as I picked her hand up. “It’s going to be alright.”

“Why isn’t the heart rate as strong? What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I won’t know anything else until we get the lab results back,” the doctor said. “There’s a good chance this will be normal, but with your stint in Africa I want to be sure you're not carrying something around we need to treat. What you need to do is take the prenatals I have up at the front for you, go home, and get in bed. I’ll call you as soon as I have the results in my hand.”

The ride back to the house was silent. Natasha was staring out the window and her hand was trembling within mine. She kept massaging her stomach, like she was willing our other child to pick up the pace. To grow strong enough to stand on their own so she could stop worrying.

I wanted there to be something I could do, but I knew there wasn’t.

I got us home in time to get Natasha settled in bed. Her stuff was piled in the closet and I could see the anxiety growing in her eyes. I had to fight her to get her to lay down and rest, and I told her that I would unpack her clothes and hang them up for her.

And thirty minutes into unpacking, she was sleeping.

I went downstairs to greet the children and to talk with our new nanny. The original plan had been to drop her down to part-time and let Natasha bond with the children again, but she wouldn’t be able to do that now. I pulled her off to the side and talked with her about staying, but I also wanted her to collaborate with Natasha on what would be best for the kids.

She agreed to my terms and I was thankful for her cooperation.

Things were getting better between her and my kids anyway, and the last thing I wanted was to switch things on them again when they were finally starting to go well.

I went back upstairs to sit on the side of the bed while Natasha slept. I brushed her hair from her face, taking in the bags underneath her eyes. Twins. She was carrying twins.

I was going to have five children.

I chuckled and shook my head as her phone vibrated on the bedside table. I waited to see if the sound would wake her up, but her eyes stayed closed. I reached for the phone and picked it up, hoping the unknown number was the doctor.

And sure enough, it was.

“Carter. Did I call the wrong number?”

“No. Natasha’s been out since we got home,” I said.

“Out as in…?”

“Sleeping,” I said. “Sorry, it’s been an interesting day.”

“Don’t I know it.”

“I can hear your grin.”

“Good. Because it

’s there. I have the results of Natasha’s tests,” he said.

“Can you tell me what’s going on?” I asked.