Page 51 of 5+Us Makes Seven

“Funny, coming from the woman that left.”

“They deserve closure.”

“They deserve the best. And you gave them that until you made an alternate career decision,” I said. “Now, they deserve to be protected. And seeing you is only going to hurt them.”

“See who, Daddy?”

I looked down as Clara shoved her way past my legs. Her eyes lit up when she saw Natasha and I knew what was coming. She launched herself at the woman as the boys barreled past, their arms wrapping around her waist as they held her closely.

“We’re so glad you’re back!” Joshua said.

“You missed my soccer game, but I can tell you all about it over lunch,” Nathaniel said.

“When you come back from vacation?” Clara asked.

My eyes locked with Natasha’s as her face slowly fell. She hugged Clara close before setting her down onto her feet. She hugged my boys individually for a very long time, and I could see tears already lining my daughter’s eyes.

“You come back, right?” she asked.

“Remember all those children I talked to you about in Africa?” Natasha asked.

“Yeah?” Nathaniel asked.

“Well, they need me,” Natasha said.

“We need you, too,” Joshua said as a tear dropped down his cheek.

“You guys are going to do so well. I know it. I’ve armed you with all the tools you need in order to succeed,” Natasha said.

“Please come back,” Nathaniel said. “Please don’t leave us.”

“But… who’s gonna tuck me in at night?” Clara asked.

“Your father, sweetie. Just like he’s always done,” Natasha said.

“Then who’s gonna get me all those books?” Clara asked.

“I’m sure your new nanny will get them for you,” Natasha said.

“We don’t like her, Miss Nattie. We like you,” Nathaniel said. “Don’t you like us?”

“Of course I do,” Natasha said.

She looked up to me for help, but I wasn’t going to give her any. I knew my kids. This was why I had done what I’d done. I didn’t hire a new nanny the next day out of spite like she probably thought. I did because it was the easiest transition for my children. They already went through this with their own damn mother, and now they were going through it again with Natasha because she was too damn selfish to know any fucking better.

And when she left, I would be the one picking up the pieces of my family again.

“Please don’t go,” Joshua said breathlessly. “We’ll be good.”

“This has nothing to do with you guys being good or bad,” Natasha said. “But I have an opportunity to help lots of kids. Kids who don’t have a daddy like you do or the money that you do or the opportunities you guys already have.”

“Then we’ll come with you,” Nathaniel said.

“You guys can’t come with me,” Natasha said.

“Will you come visit?” Clara asked.

Watching my daughter cry broke my heart. Natasha enveloped my children and pulled them as close as she could get them. I turned my head away, trying to choke down my own emotions as I shook my head.