Page 424 of 5+Us Makes Seven

I sat down and tried to think of what to say. Should I say something first? Defend myself? Or maybe it would make me just sound guilty. But I held my own, and just sat there with my best poker face.

“I had to talk to you about something and I wasn’t sure how to approach it.”

I knew it. I had to get ahead of it.

“Look, sir. Whatever you heard isn’t true, necessarily.”

“Well, that’s good since I was thinking something entirely different.”

I wanted to tell him we cared about each other, and it wasn’t just me crossing the lines to sleep with a student. It was obvious by the expression on his face that he heard the rumors before. I had to set him straight somehow but in a good way.

“Will the student be implicated?”

I asked him. I didn’t want Madeline to be involved. If it meant keeping everything quiet, I would just quit.

“Your current students?” He inquired. I sat back, sort of frozen. Had I misunderstood in some way or was he messing with me?

“Um, maybe we aren’t on the same page.” I swallowed, smoothing out the fabric of my pants. I was so worried about Madeline getting involved I was willing to do anything to protect her. It was apparent then that my feelings for her run deep.

“I suppose not, Moyer. What did you think I was asking you about?”

Jake was the one who was good at lying, not me. I racked my brain for anything.

“The change in how final grades are weighted. I assumed I…had done something wrong. I’m more of a business guy and not a grader.” I chuckled.

He cracked a smile and stood up.

“No, that isn’t it. I want to ask you to teach a class in the fall. You can think about it, of course. I know you only agreed under special circumstances.”

I shifted in my seat as I exhaled. My whole body relaxed, he didn’t know about Madeline.

“I would have to think about it, yeah.” I finally said.

And he was right. I didn’t plan on doing another semester. It was hard enough already, maybe it was just because of Madeline. Although I do love teaching.

“Of course, of course. That’s all I wanted to talk to you about. Wanted to do it in person.”

I stood and buttoned my jacket. “Of course.” I shook his hand.

I left the office feeling light but also worried because I didn’t want that to actually happen. It was just until she graduated, then I wouldn’t feel this sword over my head.

I headed back to the office and intercepted Jake on the way up.

“What’s up with you? You look like shit, man.” He said, giving me a weird look.

“Madeline needs to hurry up and fucking graduate.”



The library seemed above me somehow, and I knew it was stupid. Because I am still a student and I still have work to do. I have five classes, two of which had final essays that I am finalizing now. The last three were final projects I finished last week, one of which I was using the same presentation that I proposed. I would just have to practice.

I plugged my ears and found a secluded spot near the bookshelves. Sarai was meeting me later but she said she might get held up at work, so I wasn’t all too sure. I tried to stay focus but I missed Jake and Logan. I was actually talking to them in a group message once in a while, but it wasn’t the same.

Even though they were the masters of dirty talk. They knew exactly what to say to me and it was so

unnerving knowing that they knew me so well. I would often read their messages as I tried to fall asleep and get myself off to them. But it was nothing compared to the real thing. Their hands are so masterful and heavy on my skin. I could feel their grip even when they weren’t there.