Page 415 of 5+Us Makes Seven

“Ah Logan!”

It was too good—both of them were so good and able to make me experience things that were unlike anything I’d felt before. I soaked his dick with my wetness, and it allowed him to enter me even faster. He raised my ass in the air and went even deeper into me, which brought an agonizing pleasure that intensified with each thrust.

“You look so good on him, honey,” Jake muttered. He was sitting next to me, his unblinking eyes following Logan and me non-stop. “Too sexy.”

Logan untied me, finally allowing me to move freely, and I grabbed his waist. I rocked against him, impaling myself on him wildly.

“I’ll come, Logan. I’m so close.”

“Yes, sweetheart. Let’s come together.”

We moved faster, our moans and grunts mixing with the sounds of our bodies hitting each other wildly, and the next moment time was suspended as we reached the peak of our pleasure. Logan pressed into me when he spurted out the last drop of cum and kissed me, igniting need in me once more. As soon as Logan leaned away, Jake kissed me too, his hands roaming all over my torso, and a couple of minutes later, we started everything again.



Every day I walked into the office after that brought on so many feelings.

I was doing okay, and it had been a few days since. I had real tasks when I came into the office and I always got them done on time, if not early. Logan and Jake were very accommodating and professional during the work day.

But it had been a few days since we really did anything. I was in a lot of meetings with them, to observe their business skills but I was really observing them and it was hard because I felt my heart constricting.

When I look at Logan I see someone smart, and

brooding. He has things he keeps to himself and the only one he really trusts is Jake. Their bond is something special and it is nothing short of unbreakable. Logan worships my body. He kisses me softly and traces my skin like he wants to memorize me. I can only imagine how many women he has had before and I don’t know if he is the same way with them all. But that is how he is with me and I like it.

Then Jake. He is the life of the office. Outgoing, but calculated at the same time. He has a fighter’s mind, I can tell. And there is something about his childhood that must have made him how he is, I want to know what it was. I want to know everything about them both. Jake is rough with me but he does it in such a tasteful way. He kisses me hard and begs entry to my mouth and then I am prisoner to him. It is unlike anything I have ever felt to be trapped beneath him, held by him from behind. He knows how to work my body until I can’t take it anymore, then just a little bit more.

What is more is that I don’t want them separately. I mean, I can’t imagine only having sex with one of them. It isn’t that I don’t want to choose or something like that. It’s just that I want them both, together, always.

That is so dangerous.

I finished the short class day, done by two on Fridays. And I didn’t have work. I always meet Sarai for lunch, and I had a while before work. We went to a café by the campus that we always go to. Some hip, organic food place. But I never get anything healthy.

“Hey, you.” We hugged and found a good seat.

“How is it going? How is work?” I asked her.

We ordered iced green teas and waited for our food.

“Okay, I think I am getting a promotion soon. But who knows? What about you?” She leaned forward with all meanings intended.

“Um, nothing much. They are putting things together for my start-up. It’s exciting.” I smiled.

She looked worried for a second and then brushed it off. I wanted to pry but I think I was just in too good of a mood. Work is going well, school is almost up, and none of my classes really have finals. And of course, the two men I am constantly pressed up between.

“I know, I’m so happy for you.” She touched my hand gently.

Our food came and I ate my sandwich and fries greedily. Sarai was still quietly brooding. I sighed as we neared the end of our meal.

“What is it?” I asked her.

She looked at me with soft eyes. “Has Logan said anything to you about him being a professor here? What it could mean?”

I froze over. My heart fluttered a little bit as I swallowed softly. I stared back at her.

“No. I mean, we both know. Neither of us have said anything about it. But we’re never seen together on campus.” I answered. And it was true. We both knew that we had to be careful.