The thought sent a swell of warmth right to my core. I entered the restaurant, unsure of where to go. The inside was calm, dim lights with dark table settings and cloths. I told the hostess what I was there for, and she led me to a back room.
Up the steps and to the right was a sort of private section, and I saw their figures sitting down.
“Your guest is here.” The hostess was a chipper young woman, eyeing them very indiscreetly. I don’t know why I suddenly felt jealous. After all, I was the one having dinner with them.
They both stood and turned to face me. I was weak in the knees, the only thing holding me up was my dignity and the fear of fainting. They both wore suits; Logan an ink black and Jake a cold gray. My goodness.
It wrapped every inch of their muscles, their powerful arms and heavy thighs. I was short of breath, but I composed myself to mutter a, “Hello.”
They both smiled kindly, and I shook their hands innocently. Though it felt more like an initiation to even more sexual feelings coursing through my body.
“Thank you for joining us. I know the notice was late,” Logan said. And Jake just stared.
It seemed Logan did a lot of the talking, and Jake did all the staring. I sat between them, on the inner side of the circular table while they were on the sides. We weren’t close enough to touch, but I could feel their eyes touching every inch of my body.
“That’s alright.” I smiled nervously, struggling to simply swallow.
Thankfully, the hot air was cut by the server arriving with some wine. I nearly downed the glass, but calmed myself after a few sips.
“How was the remainder of your day?” Logan asked.
My eyes glinted to Jake, who was fiddling with the strap of his watch. His jaw was tight, and gritted. I wondered what was wrong with him.
“Good. I still had class to go to.”
Jake joined the conversation then.
“How much longer do you have left?” He asked me.
“Three weeks. Well, I have finals in two weeks.” I felt uneasy at the thought of finals but I quickly dismissed it.
“Are you excited to be done?” He sipped his wine, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his full lips curling under the glass.
“Sort of. I have to face the real world afterwards.” They both chuckled.
It was the type of place where the courses were set, so we just waited for the food to come. We started off with a salad, and then a soup that might as well have been liquid gold.
“Hmm. I’m sure you want to talk about our business arrangement.”
Logan leaned forward. They had both shed their jackets halfway through the meal, and loosened their ties. I was not sure which look I liked better. I think I would fawn over them if they wore sacks.
“Yes. Well, I am excited about it.” I smiled nervously, my eyes darting between them. It was confusing. Who do I look at? Who do I drool over?
“We were thinking about it today. Would you be open to us buying your idea? Of course, you would get a share of the profits. But you wouldn’t be…”
“No.” I rudely interrupted, and they both stared at me like they had never heard such a word. “With all due respect, I want to be me mentored by you both. And learn from you. It isn’t about the money for me.” I explained myself.
They gave each other a look, smug smiles finding their faces. I could tell they were both surprised and impressed by my response.
“Okay then. Maybe we should continue this at a more private place.”
I was prepared to say anything to get her into my apartment. Even though the thought unsettled me.
She was a student after all, one month left or not, she was a student. And I was a professor. Having her in my apartment was a leap for both her and me. But for me, I could probably buy my way out of a sticky situation and throw my obvious weight around. For her, she would be frowned at as a student and nearly forgotten for all her hard work.