Page 352 of 5+Us Makes Seven

What life is worth living without someone to share it with? I had found my true love, my soulmate. For the rest of my life, I would have someone by my side no matter what happened. Jade had taught me so much in the short time we had known each other. She knew my past, she knew my shortcomings, and she loved me all the same. She made me want to be a better person.

* * *

An hour later, I found myself seated next to her at the reception. Everything had moved so quickly, but it was official. We were married, ‘til death do us part.

“Forever,” I said when she nudged me with her elbow.


“Sorry. Just thinking.”

“We’ve been here long enough, right?”

I grinned.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

She nodded.

We scooted our chairs back and stood. None of the revelers noticed as we made our way out the back of the reception hall. In the parking lot, I saw her father leaning against his car, smoking a cigarette.

“You two be safe,” he said. “And congratulations.”

She waved. I nodded. A moment later, we were in the limousine we’d rented and on our way to our hotel in Upstate New York.

On the ride, we kissed and like two kids on prom night. I pulled back after a few minutes, staring into her eyes.

“I told you it would all work out,” I said.

“Don’t think I ever doubted you.” She paused. “Well, maybe a little in Afghanistan.”

I grinned.

“You’re incredible, Jade.”

Her face lit up. Joy flowed from both of us.

“We’re married,” she said. “I still can’t believe it.”

“Me either.”

“I love you,” I said.

“I love you… so much.”

She pressed her lips against mine. The countryside passed outside as time sped by. At the bed-and-breakfast I had rented for the weekend, we made love multiple times a day.

While nice, none of the physical connection compared to hearing her thoughts spoken as words. Instead of becoming bored with her, I found myself more captivated as time went on.

Our lives had been thrown together in a country ravaged by war halfway around the world, and our first meeting had been interrupted, but sometimes second chances are possible.



Five Years Later

Cooper and I arrived at our home in Connecticut after the awards ceremony exhausted. We had spent the whole day preparing to receive the honor for Best Independent News source in the country.