Fuck men, and especially fuck Cooper.
He might have been fuckable, but he wasn’t worth the trouble.
I went to see an attorney the next day. The prick had the nerve to ask what I’d been smoking before I came in. His eyebrows came together in confusion as he realized I wasn’t kidding.
“If you’re being investigated under the Patriot Act, I’m not sure I want anything to do with you. Why didn’t you work with the feds?”
“We were. They came after us a few hours later. I imagine someone higher up told them to go after us and is trying to cover for the ones still doing the shit.”
He shook his head.
“I’m afraid my hourly rates…”
“Fuck your hourly rates,” I said, cutting him off. “Can you help me or not?”
“If you have the money, I can help you.”
“I have the fucking money.”
“Good, good,” he said, actually rubbing his hands together.
Can I trust this guy to keep Jade and I safe?
After I told him the rest of the details concerning Jade, his expression changed to fear and loathing once again.
“Do not, under any circumstances, go anywhere near that story on the record or off.”
“That’s what I told her, but now I’m not so sure.”
“Don’t think with your dick.”
“Excuse me?”
“Calm down. I’m not going to sugarcoat things because you’re paying so much.”
“What are your rates, again?”
“Four…” He studied my reaction. “Fifty per hour.”
“Fine. You’re the only one who didn’t kick me out of their office today.”
“I bet. For now, I recommend you go home and lie low. If you’re not working, that shouldn’t be a problem, right?”
I stood, looking down at him as he sat behind his expensive Mahogany desk.
“I’ll call you when I learn something new.”
“See my receptionist out front to put down a retainer.”
“Ten grand work?”
His eyes widened.