Page 334 of 5+Us Makes Seven

If one person could help me see her without getting caught, it would be Logan. They were likely listening to my phone, but I didn’t want to destroy it. Instead, I bought a roll of aluminum foil from a corner store and wrapped the phone in it, cutting off the signal.

Jade might call me and not be able to get through, but the feds couldn’t track my movements as I went to find Logan, the man who had made my time served in Afghanistan tolerable because of his humor and friendship.

I hated to drag him into the mess, but I had to have someone trustworthy watching my six. Logan fit the bill to a T. I respected no other man more than him. As I headed toward his apartment, taking back alleys, I thought more about my next move. What to do, what to do…



Logan sat next to me at the bar of a dark and seedy dive in the Bronx. He stared into his beer, not saying a word as he digested everything I’d told him.

“None of it makes sense,” he said.

“You’re telling me. The only thing I’m worried about is getting to Jade.”

“I knew you two would get together,” he said, a familiar smile sliding over his face.

“She’s my life now, bro. Help me get to her.”

“It won’t be easy.”

“No, and that’s why I called in the best.”

“I have an idea, but you won’t like it.”

“What is it?”

“Remember what we did in that hotel in Kabul?”

“Oh no,” I said, shaking my head. “Not that.”

“It’s easy and safe. No one will get hurt. Or they shouldn’t. We pull the fire alarm, everyone comes out of the building, and I bring her to you.”

“You might scare her. And they’re probably watching her.”

“That’s why we get everyone out of that building.”

“She’ll be pissed.”

“It’s the only way. And it’s safe. I’m done with killing people.”

“Alright. Let’s do it. Tonight?”

“I’ve got your back. You know that.”

I lifted my mug into the air. He raised his too. We clinked them together then drank.

With a little luck, I might actually get to Jade to warn her.

* * *

Traffic passed by, clueless, as I waited on the opposite side of the street from Jade’s building, far enough away that the spooks keeping watch wouldn’t be able to see me.

Come on, Logan. You got this.

I shifted from one leg to the other, ready to jump into action when people exited the building. Two blocks away, we had found a place to talk.

All of a sudden, I heard the fire alarm. Dozens of people stormed out of the front door a few minutes later. This is it, I thought as I slipped back into the alley.