Page 305 of 5+Us Makes Seven

“I should go,” she said.

“Yeah, me too. I’m on chapter thirty-two of editing this novel, and I need to get it finished today.”

“Good luck.”

“Only four more chapters to go, but this author can go on and on, dragging scenes out way too long. I never know what to expect.”

“Can’t be any worse that the one I’m editing right now.”

I took a step toward the break room door.

“You doing anything for lunch?” she asked.

“No. We can get something together.”

“Sounds good. Don’t send Max my number yet. I want to think about it more.”

I raised my hand in recognition as I walked out and headed toward my desk for another day of work, helping other people with their written words but writing none of my own. It didn’t bring me joy, but it paid the bills.



When I woke up and saw her gone, I wondered in the back of my mind why she hadn’t told me the truth about her and Max the night before. I hadn’t mentioned it either. We had both been occupied.

As I drank a cup of coffee in the kitchen and attempted to wake up, my phone rang. I thought it might be Jade, so I quickly grabbed it. I didn’t recognize the number.

“Hello? Who is this?”

“Is this Cooper Anderson?” a man asked in a heavily accented tone.

“Maybe. Who is this?”

“It’s Aamir,” he said. “Do you not remember me?”

“Aamir, old friend. How have you been?”

“Not good, Cooper, not good at all.”

Another man’s voice suddenly piped up.

“You will come back here, Mr. Anderson, and finish what you started.”

“Who is this?”

“My name is not important. Aamir’s life will be spared because he got me in touch with you, but if you do not comply, I will burn this whole village to the ground.”

“What do I care?” I asked as nonchalantly as possible.

If he knew I cared about the people, he would be able to use them as leverage.

“You care, Mr. Anderson. You forget what you have done in our country?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You are stealing our resources.”

“I’m not stealing anything,” I said. “By the way, this conversation is probably being recorded.”