I looked to the wall, wanting to see anything except his face, those blue eyes.
“This was a mistake,” I said, still looking away.
“Mistake? What do you mean? You wanted…”
“I know,” I snapped, cutting him off. “Will you please just leave?”
Guilt and shame mixed, forming an emotional cocktail I wasn’t ready to deal with, not with him still naked in my bed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him crawl off the bed.
“What the hell?”
“Go, please,” I said.
“You wanted this too. I thought…”
His voice trailed off. I pulled a cover over my naked body.
Why am I so ashamed right now?
Tears welled up in my eyes.
“Will you please leave? I’ll call you later.”
I glanced up at him.
“Whatever…Where’s your bathroom?”
“There,” I said, pointing.
“This is messed up, Jade.”
I said nothing, a melting pot of emotions going through my body.
“You’re making me feel used,” he said in a joking tone, still not taking me seriously.
“Welcome to my world,” I said angrily. “Please leave, okay?”
He grabbed his clothes then left the room. Tears flowed.
Why the hell am I crying? That was so wonderful.
Not understanding why I was so upset made it so much worse.
When I heard him leave a few minutes later, practically slamming my front door, I laid back and cried, letting everything out. It wasn’t him, but he had opened a floodgate that would not be closed easily. The mix of joy and sadness confused the hell out of me.
All my problems had started after I got back from Afghanistan. I had seen brutality, the mistreatment of women and so much more.
None of my life made sense after I had returned from that dirty, dusty, crazy country. Gradually, the tears dried up, but I still felt terrible.
Cooper will never speak to me again. Not after that outburst. I don’t blame him. I’m such a mess! The sadness turned to self-loathing.
I thought about calling and begging him to come back, trying to explain how crazy my life had become after meeting him over there, but I didn’t.
Why would someone perfect like him want a problem-woman like myself?
The answer would not come.