“A date?”
I grinned.
“A working date. I’ll get you into a nearby village friendly to our side. They might answer your questions and help with your story.”
“That would be wonderful,” she said. “Thanks again. For everything”
“No problem. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” she said. “Tomorrow.”
“Come on, Cooper, you shithead!”
I rolled my eyes. She laughed then turned and went inside the mess hall.
What the fuck does he want now? I wondered as I turned and walked back toward Max. I regretted having ever gotten involved with him.
The next day, I convinced Jeffries to let me take her to a nearby village so small it wasn’t on the maps. I told him it would keep her under control and happy. He agreed, to my surprise. After I had permission, I went to tell Jade the good news.
Part of my attraction to her was the fact she was the only American woman for miles around, but more than that, I found her interesting. For one, she had traveled thousands of miles from her home to one of the most dangerous places in the world. That took guts.
As I walked toward her sleeping quarters, I wondered where she lived back in the States. Did she leave a boyfriend behind? The closer I got, the more questions floated through my brain. Getting answers would not be a bad way to spend the day with her.
I stopped in front of her CHU and knocked on the door. It opened right away. She stood in the doorway, dressed in camouflage pants with another ill-fitting and revealing tee-shirt.
“Yeah?” she asked. “I’m busy right now.”
“You don’t want to go to the village?”
“Oh, you were being serious?”
I nodded.
“Yeah. I got permission from the CO. He doesn’t want me in civilian garb, but I know the village elders here. They’ll talk to you.”
She stared into my eyes. I swore I saw the gears turning in her head.
“Okay,” she said after a few tense and silent moments.
“Great. You ready now or you got something else to do?”
“Max wanted me to come see him about something. I was on my way there.”
“Screw Max,” I said. “You should be careful around him.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“I don’t want to go into specifics. You know we’re on a tight deadline. If we’re doing this, we need to go now.”
“Sure.” She patted her black messenger bag. “I have everything I need in here.”
“You’re lucky. I wish my equipment was that light.” I smiled. “Let’s get out of here. Logan is driving us.”
“You two friends?” she asked as we walked toward where the Humvees and trucks were parked.