Page 25 of 5+Us Makes Seven

Our food was sat down in front of us but Emma didn’t even look at it. Her jaw was too busy mopping the floor at her feet. I blushed underneath her gaze and picked up my lemonade, trying to avoid her eyes in the process.

“You what!?” Emma asked.

“Could you be any louder?” I asked.

“Probably! Holy shit, Nat. You slept with the kids’ father? Isn’t that man, like… a millionaire or something?”

“That doesn’t matter. Emma, I don’t do stuff like this.”

“No, you don’t. Ever. You’re the biggest goody two-shoes I know.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“What happened? When? Tell me about it. How was he?” she asked.

“What happened? We had sex, that’s what happened. Last night.”

“Oh shit! You got hickies? Let me see them. I wanna see them, please?”

“No. Emma, I’m freaking out here. What do I do?” I asked.

“Was it good?”

“It was phenomenal.”

“Did he call you or anything afterwards?” she asked.


“Natasha. What?”

“I may or may not have fallen asleep after.”

“That’s fine. Happens to the best of us.”

“In his bed,” I said.

“You slept with your boss and spent the fucking night?”

“Can you keep your voice down?” I asked.

“Man, you bypassed the traps in the tunnel and went straight for the holy grail, didn’t you?” she asked.

“What do I do?”

“What do you mean ‘what do you do’? Was he upset or weird when you two woke up?”

“No. He was actually kind of sweet,” I said.


t how?”

“He told me to stay in bed so he could get the kids to school. You know, so they didn’t know I slept over. He came and kissed my forehead before he left, and he told me to use whatever I needed to clean up.”

“He wasn’t just sweet. He was taking care of you. Natasha. Your millionaire boss was taking care of you after fucking you. He fucked you like a ragdoll, didn’t he?”
