Page 204 of 5+Us Makes Seven

My ears were ringing and my pulse was still picking up speed. Shit.

I watched Wyatt closely, wondering why he was there. The last thing I knew about Wyatt Murphy was that he was stationed overseas.

I didn’t even know he was back home. I wondered how long he had been back in Bradberry, if he was staying with his mom, if he was out of the Army for good, and a thousand other things.

My mind was racing when the professor dismissed us. His words shook me back to reality and I jerked my head away from Wyatt. The need to get away from his presence had me grabbing my things and haphazardly packing them into my bag.

I needed to get out of there, and fast.

I flew out of the room a few seconds later like hounds from hell were nipping at my heels. I was the first one in the hallway and I didn’t stop running until I reached the women’s restroom.

I hurled myself into a stall and fell against the wall.

Breathing heavy, I tried to calm down, but I couldn’t.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit!

Everything was spinning and I didn’t know how to make it stop. If Wyatt was in that class, he would be in all the others. I knew I couldn’t avoid him forever, but I also wasn’t ready to face him. Not after the way things ended between us.

Over four years ago, Wyatt left town with barely a goodbye. We had been together for years, but he didn’t bother to discuss his decision to enlist with me. His father died and Wyatt pulled away from everyone and everything he once loved.

Everyone including me.

He became a different person. Someone I didn’t recognize.

A sad, lonely soul.

I wanted to save him, but I couldn’t. His father’s death ruined us both.

I could still remember the day he told me his father died. It stood out so clearly in my mind. Just thinking about it made my stomach tighten and my throat feel dry. I swallowed hard and tried not to think about it anymore.

I could push him from my mind. I could if I tried really hard.

It had become easier to do as the years passed.

But seeing him again had undone all the work I had done trying to put him out of my mind.

I knew this time I couldn’t push thoughts of him to the back of my mind. I was already reeling after seeing Wyatt for the first time in almost five years.

I closed my eyes and pictured his face the way I remembered it. His hair long and his brown eyes full of life.

He wasn’t yet broken in those visions. He was just Wyatt. Fun, adventurous, cocky Wyatt.

But that boy was gone, and this man in his place? I wasn’t sure who he was at all.

And him being here just meant trouble for me.

The life I had built for myself and Noah was going to crumble at my feet, I just knew it.



I was with Wyatt when he got the news.

His mom called while we were at dinner. We were laughing about something stupid, I can’t remember what, when his phone rang.

He was still chuckling softly when he answered. His voice was light-hearted and full of happiness when he said, “Hello,” into the phone.