I made a mental note to get him a decent bag when we got back home. Something manly. Brown leather. Expensive.
A valet had brought the Mercedes around to the front of the hotel. Cruz gave him a hundred euro note. The valet’s eyes widened.
“For last night,” Cruz said with a nod. “When we… were in a hurry.” He then handed the bell boys a fifty euro note each, and they thanked him profusely, shaking his hand and looking at him as if he was a movie star. I didn’t blame them though. He looked like he could have been some kind of action-movie hero. Meaner than Vanne Damme, and harder than Stallone. Not sure about Schwarzenegger in his prime. Now that would be a fight to see.
“What’s brought about this sudden generous streak?” I asked, laughing as we got into the car.
“I’m always generous,” he grunted.
I remember his words earlier-- to be cool because if they tapped the phone in a penthouse apartment, they could have bugs anywhere.
I grabbed his thigh. “Just get us to the airport, you handsome thug. We’ve got a plane to catch.”
And some bad guys to fuck up, I mentally added.
Chapter Thirteen
I noticed the same black saloon with tinted windows as we left for the airport but made a show of pretending to ignore them as best as I could.
The drive to the airport was uneventful, other than glimpses of the cars following us. I counted at least two. I kept an eye on them, but drove normally, even slowing down at a set of lights so I wouldn’t lose them by accident.
I was amazed when my phone rang as we approached the airport. I answered hesitantly. “Yeah?” I barked. It was Jean, my French contact. He sounded nervous. “What’s up, bro? Talk to me.”
He spoke rapidly, in very vague metaphors, but I got the gist of what he was saying, though just barely.
“It is said, my friend,” he muttered, accentuating his French accent, “that Prague, it is very hot this time of year. No? Be careful in the heat. It can be…dangerous.”
“Got it. Hot weather. Thanks for the tip.”
“One more thing, mon frere. Our mutual friend in Prague--he’s eager to return the favor, so I hear. I have persuaded him that it would be unwise for him to… avoid showing you hospitality, yes?” He continued on, rushing the words out. “I will be going away for a while on vacation. I have some business to attend to. If you… are able to stand the heat in Prague, I will be grateful. I will be taking care of something on my end that will... help you.” The phone clicked, the call dropped his end.
I turned my phone off and passed it to Alexandra. “Take the battery and SIM out,” I mouthed at her silently.
“Who was that on your phone. A friend?” she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.
“Yeah. An old friend. He said it’s a bit hot in Prague. Says we gotta stay cool, okay?” I squeezed her thigh reassuringly.
A while later, we settled into our business-class seats. We sat next to each other this time, at the back of the central aisle because I wasn’t letting her out of my sight. I’d watch her piss if I had to.
I shook my head to clear the mental image, picking up the drinks menu in front of me.
Most of the other passengers were drinking soft drinks and tea. I ordered a large whiskey, pointing at what I’d guessed was probably the most expensive one. I fought better after the first few whiskies anyway.
Alexandra had relaxed somewhat now we were on the plane. She had been nervous in the lounge, pacing. I had eventually persuaded her to have something to eat, and then two glasses of champagne.
“It’s a shame we’re not in first-class. You ever joined the mile-high club?” she said grinning at me, champagne in her hand.
“Mile high what?”
She looked at me blankly. “Really? You’re going to ma
ke me explain?” She raised her eyebrows. “You join the mile-high club when you have sex on a plane, idiot.”
She threw a peanut at me, laughing as it bounced off my forehead. I didn’t even flinch.
I got a large chunk of ice from my glass, and deftly slipped it down her top and into her cleavage, poking it well into her bra. I guessed it probably got to her nipple. She gasped, swearing at me as she frantically removed it.