I went to make some coffee, trying to clear my head of the confused thoughts flowing through it. I didn't do emotions. They confused the hell out of me.
After filling two mugs, I went back to Alexandra’s bedroom. She was stirring, rubbing her face as she rose from under the cover, unbothered by her nakedness
“Hey handsome.” Her breasts hung down, swinging deliciously as she leaned forward to take a mug from me.
“Time to get ready. We got a plane to catch,” I said, a little too gruffly. I was immediately annoyed for letting my anger show.
“Okay grumpy. Give me half an hour,” she said with a frown before blowing on the hot coffee.
I stood in front of her for a second, inner turmoil threatening to overwhelm me. I thought back to the previous night, my mind calculating and cold, pushing Alexandra out of conscious thought.
A deep breath cleared my mind further. I visualized the dark saloon I’d seen as we’d left the hotel and the obscured figures sitting within.
Had there been three of them in the car? Was I even fucking sure there had been anyone in it at all?
My mind ran over the rest of the evening, focusing on details. I couldn’t recall anything else that seemed important. My memory was filled with the emotion that had risen within me, and the rage. I remembered how Alexandra had soothed the rage effortlessly, turning it into desire.
I was useless. She had disarmed me.
Vowing to myself I wouldn’t let my guard down again, I turned away from her. I couldn't meet her gaze without a pang of guilt rising in my gut.
“Okay, Lex. I’ll be getting my stuff together.” I then left the room, barely feeling the burn of the coffee as I drained half the cup in one gulp.
What was that all about?
I’d woken as Cruz left the bed, rolling into the huge dent his body had left in the mattress. My body was still aching in both pleasure and pain from the night before. It had been wonderful.
But as soon as he’d returned with a mug of coffee, I’d noticed that his cold facade was back. He looked troubled and conflicted, making me want nothing more than for him to talk to me. He had to know by now that he didn’t have to keep everything bottled up in that scarred, handsome face of his.
My mind flashed back to the view of his face between my legs. I groaned audibly at the memory of pleasure I’d felt as his tongue had teased me.
After finishing my coffee, I rose from the bed. I felt a slight chill on my naked body, and felt my nipples harden as I headed for the shower.
I was ready about twenty-five minutes later, having applied a little makeup and dressed casually.
Time to see where my bodyguard-turned-lover has disappeared to, I thought, hoping he hadn’t jumped off the balcony.
I found him sitting in the living room, staring at the large ornate desk with a blank expression on his face.
“Guess they’ll charge us.” He gestured at the cracked vase, broken telephone, and other various items on the floor next to the desk. He grunted. “It’ll be worth it, though.”
I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. With the amount we paid for these rooms, all I’ve got to do is kick up a stink and they’ll be offering us a discount.”
I caressed his muscled shoulders through his black t-shirt. He sighed, but then froze suddenly.
I looked down at him. He was staring at the ornate, expensive-looking phone that had been knocked off of the desk during the heat of our passion. Abruptly, he lifted his finger to his lips and rose to stride over to the phone, gingerly lifting the wreckage of the receiver in one huge hand.
My eyes widened as I saw a small, circular black object that had been crudely taped to the inside of the mouthpiece. Two wires led from it to a small device that had a watch battery attached.
Unfazed, Cruz winked at me, causing my fear to dissipate.
“Guess this phone is busted, right?” He looked at me, blue eyes sparkling. “Shoulda been more careful.”
He spoke in a measured and steady tone, and I played along. “Looks like you broke it, you heavy handed oaf. There’s a trash can in the kitchen. We’ll tell housekeeping when we check out.”
He nodded and rose to head towards the kitchen, where I heard him stamping on something. Then he reappeared in the kitchen entrance.