Page 154 of 5+Us Makes Seven

Another thing I was good at was noticing things. I’d learned to go into an almost meditative state where I wasn’t distracted by conscious thought and could keep an eye on the telltale signs that painted a much clearer picture of the world compared to the casual or distracted viewer. I had learned to do this while maintaining a blank expression, looking more like an idiot than a threat.

Even so, I hadn’t noticed anything at all unusual around Alexandra’s house. No cars parked suspiciously or driving past more than once. No lone figures walking past the fence or gate. No sign at all of any attempted entry.

Not a fucking peep.

I checked my gear for the trip for the umpteenth time.

My guess was that they knew where she lived, so why would they need to keep an eye on it? They’d probably already worked out she’d booked on a flight by now, and they probably even knew what fucking seat she’d be in and what she’d order for dinner.

I just hoped that the seat booked for Cruz Miller in business-class had passed under the radar. I’d spoken to her dad the day before to discuss a few final details like location and transport. Discussing the risks, basically. We’d agreed it would be good for me to try and avoid suspicion by sitting in business-class. Firstly, if anyone had access to the flight records, first place they’d look was the seats around Alexandra. Secondly, people who could afford first-class wouldn’t be looking to extort money out of their wealthy co-passengers. Finally, I’d be at the front of business and only a quick run from where they’d be sitting.

I was distracted from mindlessly re-checking my gear when my cell phone ringing loudly in my pocket. I guessed it was probably Alexandra since I couldn’t remember anyone else having the new number.

“Hey, miss,” I said, putting the cheap and small cell phone to my ear. I held it gingerly with my thumb and forefinger. Big hands weren’t useful for most practical things, I’d learned over the years. Good for fighting, though. And women seemed to like them...

“Hey there, mister,” she said, her voice low and dripping honey. “I’m all ready for you. Or I should say, we’re all ready for you.”

She giggled along with two other girls in the background. It sounded like they were all a little tipsy.

“Good stuff, doll. Just tell me when and I’ll be there. Oh, and you’ll like the transport, for sure. Something me and your dad got, special like.”

“Ooh, I can’t wait!” she squealed.

Sounded like she’d definitely been at her dad’s whiskey cupboard.

I heard a few comments from her friends in the background, but couldn’t make out what they’d said, which was probably for the best.

“Be at mine in two days. That’s Thursday. We’ll need to be leaving for the ai...” she hesitated, “for the destination at about four p.m. Get here at about two if you can.” She sounded pleased with her almost immediate correction of her potential slip up. “I’m guessing my dad filled you in with the details. You know where we’re going, right?”

I half heard a crude, muffled comment from one of the girls in the background about me filling in Alexandra, who gasped in mock indignation, laughing and sounding a little embarrassed.

“Right,” I said, needing to wrap this up quick. I could hear a slight echo from her end of the phone. Either it was a bad line, or her phone was tapped. I didn’t know if it was possible for my location to be discovered from a tap on her phone, and I didn’t want to take the risk of finding out. “I’ll be there for sure. See ya,” I said and hung up.

I sat there for a moment, feeling a little disturbed with myself. It was a damn shame. I could listen to that girl talk all day, ‘specially with her a bit tipsy.

I glanced down at my watch on my left wrist. It was half past three.

I debated checking over my gear again, but quickly changed my mind.

Stop worrying like a goddamn old woman, Cruz, I chastised myself.

I needed a drink or two to take my mind off things.


“You pair of bitches!” I screeched.

I didn’t think Cruz had actually heard what my friends had said when I was on the phone to them, although a part of me almost hoped he had, shamefully thinking it’d be nice to give him something to think about. But I definitely wouldn’t admit that to these two because I’d never hear the last of it. Still though, the more I thought about Cruz, the further my mind went in visualizing his naked muscled form…

I was looking forward to the trip more and more by the hour.

Olivia and Lucy burst out laughing, and Olivia poked me in the ribs. “Just admit it!” she said. “Then we’ll stop teasing you.”

“Admit what?” I replied, raising my eyebrows with feigned innocence. “I don't know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play innocent little girl with us,” Lucy said. “I could hear from your voice you can’t wait to get your hands on his muscles!”

“Well, I cannot confirm or deny your accusations,” I said as seriously as I could, struggling to keep a straight face. “But either way, hands off! He’s my bodyguard, remember!” Unable keep it together any longer, I burst into laughter, falling towards the two girls and slapping them both on the legs. The champagne had gone straight to my head, but I had to admit that I was having fun.