I waited for him to speak, smiling warmly at him.
“So, you been ok? No sign of Conall right?” His voice was strained with concern as he looked at me, studying my features.
“Nope. No sign of him or any of his stupid goons. I think our secret meeting the other night went off without a hitch. Well done us!” I raised my glass, clinking it with his. He laughed good naturedly.
“Good work, Eden. I was impressed. Really. You did great, and you went about talking to me in the right way. Can never be too careful, y’know.” He paused to take a sip of wine. I glowed at the compliment, proud he thought I’d played it well.
“So, about the meth Conall gave me. Do you wanna take some? I mean, I won’t be in trouble getting some drugs out in front of a police officer, will I?” I raised an eyebrow, peering at him cheekily over my wine glass.
“No, that’s alright. I won’t have to handcuff you or anything… well, unless you want me to. But that’s got nothing to do with the drugs…” He trailed off, expression hardening with desire as he stared at me.
Guess he wants me to know he’s interested, too. Got you loud and clear, handsome.
I giggled at him.
“Now now, Jack. Let’s not get carried away just yet.” I strode past him, hand brushing his arm as I passed. I bent lower than was necessary to open the drawer where I’d been hiding the meth Conall had given me.
I rose and turned to pass the bag to Jack. His eyes widened as he saw what I was holding. He held out a hand gingerly to take the bag off of me.
“Shit. That’s a lot. It’s....” He studied the bag under the light in the kitchen, turning it so the crystals sparkled
slightly, “it’s exactly the same color as the other stuff I’ve found on the streets. And it came straight from Conall. More than just coincidence now.”
He was speaking professionally, in short succinct sentences. Mind working as he spoke.
“So what are you gonna do with it, Mr. Detective?” I asked as I set my glass down, both hands on the kitchen counter openly.
Jack looked up to study my features and my posture. An unreadable expression crossed his face.
“Well, ah. If you’re happy for me to do so, I’ll take it in and have it sampled. Don’t worry, it isn’t gonna go on record just yet where I got it from. I’ll say I busted a dealer who was getting too confident or something. If it matches the percentage of the other samples we’ve got, well…”
He paused to look at me, concern once again crossing his handsome face.
“Well, with you testifying that Conall gave you this bag, then we have a connection. Between everything, all the samples of meth. Plus, if I can get hold of that scumbag Goldie and get something out of him too, well, we can take them all down.”
He strode over, standing a few feet away from me and looking down into my eyes. I gasped inwardly as he took one of my hands in his, holding it gently as he spoke.
“Look, Eden. You’ve been through enough shit over the years. I can’t imagine what it’s like having to go through it again.” He looked away, staring out of the kitchen window, a faraway expression on his face.
“Believe me when I say I know what it’s like to deal with men like Conall. The way they manipulate, intimidate. They’ll do anything to get what they want or what they covet.” He looked back at me, green eyes sparkling as he gazed into mine.
“I’ve got an idea…” he started to say, his expression turning serious once again.
“Jack,” I said, and he paused as he looked at me, eyebrows raised. “Let’s talk about it later.”
I guided his hand to my waist just above my hip and the other followed suit as he stepped closer to me. I pulled his hips toward mine, pushing myself against him. I felt the warmth from his body through my thin blouse, my breasts pressing against his muscled chest.
“Kiss me…” I said, voice thick as I held his gaze.
He leaned down, bringing his head down to my level. I raised my neck to look up at him as our lips met.
He kissed me gently, caressing my lips with his. His tongue entered my mouth, caressing mine as his hands squeezed my waist.
I pushed my hips forward, feeling him start to swell in his jeans against my thigh. I groaned with pleasure at the thought of him big, hard and erect. I passionately kissed him back and slipped a hand down to grab at the crotch of his jeans.
He groaned as I grabbed his cock through his pant. I felt him swell and twitch under the pressure of my hand. He reached up to cup one of my breasts through my blouse as he moved his hips rhythmically, in time with the movement of my hand on him.
I took my hand from off of his jeans and pushed his trench coat off onto the kitchen floor. His expression serious, he started to unbutton his shirt as I reached for his belt, looking up into his eyes as he gritted his teeth, face filled with unbound passion.