Page 16 of His Naughty Nurse

week. It’s so nice to meet you, Sarah!”

“What’s an intern?” Sarah asked suspiciously with narrowed eyes.

“An intern is a student. It just means I’m still in school, like you!”

“But why are you still in school? You’re old!” Sarah exclaimed, drawing a brief laugh in what would soon turn into a not-so-funny situation.

“Well, I’m not that old,” Jasmine said. “Come on—I’ll tell you all about school for old people.”


I listened to their retreating footsteps, knowing that the light-hearted moment was over. I clenched my fists at the sides of my chair, waiting with baited breath for Evan to resume.

“Look, Ms. McDowell—I’m not good at sugar-coating things, so I’m going to cut straight to the chase.”

“Fine by me. I’m not much for sugar, anyway. I’ve never been fond of anything too sweet.”

“Sarah has some suspicious marks on her wrists. They’ve raised some concern, and CPS has been called.”

There was a pregnant pause in the air, and I worried this woman and Evan could hear my heart pounding.

“But…she’s just a kid. She could have gotten them scars from anywhere, right?”

“I don’t know. You tell me. What’s your relationship with your daughter like, ma’am?”

“It’s fine!”

“She tends to seem a little nervous around you. And the last time I saw her, she implied to my nurse that there were people—as in more than one—hurting her.”

Another long pause. I had expected Ms. McDowell to start arguing at any second, but instead, there was a loud and long sniff. When she spoke again, her voice was heavily choked with tears.

“It’s not my fault. She just…she acts up sometimes, and you know how kids are. You have to put them in check.”

“Not with abuse.”

“It’s not abuse. Not from me…”

“Who lives in your household?”

“My boyfriend and his cousin. They…they just get a little impatient at times. But they help out with the bills and stuff.” She descended into sobs that went on for a full minute before she resumed. “I told Sarah not to say anything! I told her I would sort it all out in a little while!”

“Well, I’m actually glad to hear you say that,” Evan said. “It means that you want what’s best for Sarah. So she’s going to be taken out of harm’s way until her safety can be guaranteed.”

“Dr. Sholly?” an additional voice appeared.


“Child Protective Services are here.”

“Okay. Please get Nurse Watson and have her return with the patient.”

“Of course.”

Again, one of those weird moments when time moves simultaneously too fast and too slow occurred.

I heard the nurse and the intern return with Sarah. I heard the voices of other men, trying to politely tell Sarah that she would be coming with them for a little while instead of going to her mother. I heard Sarah began to cry, and her mother began to yell in protest.

And when I couldn’t take it anymore, I stood up and pulled back the curtain, right in time to see a crying Sarah being taken away.