“Why wouldn’t I cook a woman breakfast after a wonderful night out?”

“Sounds like a wonderful night in to me.”

My cock ached for her as her words flowed effortlessly from her lips.

“Are you teasing me, Miss Jessica?”

“Depends. What do you consider ‘teasing’?”

I felt something fall against my ankle before it started creeping up my leg. Slowly. Deftly. Dragging the leg of my pants up with it. I felt her warm toe graze against my skin as our eyes connected, and a darkness settled over her eyes. Strong, sensuous, and unafraid of what she wanted. Could this woman get any more perfect?

“I would consider that teasing, yes. And if you’re not careful, you might get burned by the fire.”

“Then bring on the heat, handsome.”

I noticed she ate a little quicker than usual after that. Her bare foot continued tracing patterns against

my skin as I tried to keep my cool. My cock ached. It grew against my pants and threatened to expose me to the people around us. Jessica’s eyes gazed out at the water as she slipped forkfulls of food between her lips, but all I could focus on was the way she licked them after every bite. The way her tongue thickened as she stuck it out. The way her lips curled around her fork and the way her toes kept tickling the bone of my ankle.


“Yes?” our waitress asked.

“I’d like the check, please. And a couple of to-go boxes.”

“Make that only one. But I’d like a sweet tea to-go. This is some of the best I’ve had,” she said.

My eyes fell to her plate and I realized she had eaten all of that food.

I guess it would be my responsibility to help her work it off.

I watched her pull out her phone and her fingers flew across the screen. I hoped everything was okay. I paid for our dinner and packed the rest of my food away, feeling her foot slip away from me. I wanted to grab it and pull it back. I wanted to press it against my cock and grind into it. I wanted to massage it, working my way up her leg until I reached the beautiful heat of her pussy.

“Ready to go?”

Her voice ripped me from my trance as her teeth played against the clear straw of her drink.

“My place is just across town. I’d be honored to show you around.”

“My place is closer,” she said.

“I thought you and your roommate had a—”

But I watched her wiggle her phone in the air before she tossed me a playful wink. I shook my head and stood from my seat as I grabbed my food. Then, I reached my hand out for her. She gathered her things and slipped her purse over her shoulder, then sipped on her tea as she took my hand.

Our fingers threaded together as I led her out of the restaurant, my cock on full display for anyone who wished to look down. But I didn’t care if they knew. I didn’t care if they saw what this woman did to me. I guided her out to my car and helped her into it, then slammed myself into the seat and cranked it up.

“Lead the way, beautiful.”

And the second we pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex, she flew over the seat, descended into my lap, and crashed her lips to mine.



I dove into his lap, unable to contain myself any longer. I held my sweet tea up in the air as our lips collided, his cock growing against my pussy. His hands fell to my hips. Slid underneath my dress and played with the excess of my body. I rolled into him as his seat fell back, toppling me onto him as I squealed.

“Come here,” he growled.