“I hate you sometimes.”

“Love you too, brother. I’ll go let everyone else know of this great idea of yours to split this home. Then, I’ll contact the Historical Society and Flynn and I will go talk with them.”

“Keep him on a leash, would you?” I asked.

“Always. I’ve thought about getting him an embroidered one for his birthday this year.”

“You’re sick,” I said, grinning.

“In all the best ways.”

Everett walked out of my office and I cocked my hip against my desk. What was keeping me from calling Jessica? I mean, I told her I would. Hell, I practically promised her I would. I looked over at my cell phone sitting on my desk and picked it up, then scrolled to find her number. There it was, with her name and everything entered into my phone. I even snuck a picture of her turned out towards the stars before she ducked into the cab I called her after the party that night. Her hair blew behind her and her arms were outstretched, leaning against the cab as she gazed out into the property. She was beautiful in the picture, even though it was nothing but her back.

I closed my eyes and pressed the call button before I held the phone to my ear. It rang and rang, and I debated on hanging up. Maybe she was working, or maybe she was a late sleeper. Maybe this was the wrong number, or maybe she was from out of town and didn’t live around here. But she did say she lived around Charleston. Born and raised, if I remembered correctly.


That sweet voice filled my ear and my heart stopped in my chest.

“Hello there, Jessica.”


“I’m sorry it took so long for me to call. Work has been rough.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do?”

So sweet, and so willing to help. She was perfect in all the best ways.

“Nothing you can do, beautiful. But I’ve stolen a moment to myself, so I wanted to call.”

“I’m glad you did. I thought maybe you were second-guessing things or something.”

“Never with you,” I said. Her giggle was fantastic. “So, I was calling to see what you were doing Saturday night.”

“This coming Saturday?”

“Or Friday. Or Sunday. Any night, really.”

She giggled again and it pulled a smile across my cheeks.

“I have to work Saturday night, but I’m off Sunday since the tavern’s closed.”

“Where do you work, anyway?”

“Curious to know what place you stumbled into?”

“I was a little more curious about the woman I stumbled upon than the actual place. But it would help to know the name in case I get thirsty after a long day of work.”

“Southern’s,” she said.

“Ah, Southern’s Pub and Tavern. I’ve been passed it, but I’ve never ducked in.”

“Not true. You ducked in a few weeks ago.”

I chuckled and shook my head as she let out a soft sigh.

“But yes. I am free Sunday night,” she said.