“Okay. So, I did see you with that guy in the corner as I walked through the party. He was a cutie, by the way.”

“Thanks. I try,” she said, winking.

“I took a shot of that sweet tea whatever before grabbing that pink drink?”

“I had, like, four of those pink drinks. They were the shit.”

“Right? I committed the ingredients to memory to see if I could replicate it later.”

“Oh, that’s so happening later on today.”

“Anyway, I walked upstairs and ended up finding this little hidden staircase. I figured it was a back way up to the third floor, but it wasn’t. It actually led to a little library that overlooked the backyard of the mansion.”

“Oh shit. You found a secret room! Was there a brooding man on the couch reading a book whose heart you softened with your bright blue eyes?”

“You’re insane. No. But someone did end up joining me.”

“You had sex in the library?”

“No, I had sex in the hot tub.”

“Wait, there was a hot tub!?”

“In the middle of the hedge maze out back.”

“What the fuck? You had sex in the hot tub? With who? Who was the guy?”

I brought my coffee back to my lips as Bianca smacked hers.

“Lucas,” I said.

“Nice shock factor. Who the fuck’s Lucas?”

“The guy who stumbled into the bar that night.”

Bianca’s jaw dropped open and I threw my head back to laugh.

“Holy shit! He was there!? You slept with him?”

“I did. His name is Lucas Wilder, and him and his brothers were the ones throwing the party last night. They’re renovators or something. They restore houses, and that’s one of the houses they’re set to restore.”

“You slept with him.”

“You’re ready for those details, aren’t you?”

“Hell yeah, I am!”

“It started out with him showing me the garden. Which was beautiful, by the way. We ran through the hedge maze to get to the center of it, and there’s an in-ground swimming pool with a stone fountain pouring into it as well as a hot tub.”

“Now I want to go back just to get a look at it. It sounds beautiful.”

“It was beautiful. Lucas actually carried me the rest of the way into the maze because I tripped over my own two feet,” I said.

“See? Your clumsiness is good for something! And guess what?”


“The guy from last night could carry me in his arms, too.”