“No. No one’s falling in anything except pain medication,” I said.

“Strong stuff?” Cayden asked.

“Very. But I have been trying to track that girl down to thank her,” I said.

“For what?” Cash asked.

“She was just… kind. She didn’t unnecessarily panic. She eased me to the ground when I couldn’t keep myself upright anymore. She cradled my head to keep me breathing instead of laying me down flat.”

“Her touch was so angel soft I could never forget it,” Flynn said, chuckling.

“You’re an asshole,” I said.

“And you’re talking like ya in some kind of dream-like state,” Everett said.

“Did she have pretty eyes?” Drew asked.

“The best blue eyes I’ve ever seen,” I said.

“So you are thinkin’ ‘bout her,” Everett said.

“Shut up. Look, a very wonderful nurse at the hospital tried to help me track down who she was, but it was no use. The emergency crew that delivered me to the hospital is too busy to fumble through paperwork long enough to figure out which bar they plucked me from. So, aside from ducking my head into every damn one and looking like Drew’s daddy—no offense—”

“Trust me, there’s absolutely none taken,” Drew said.

“Aside from doing that, I’ve got no way to track her down,” I said.

“What’d she look like?” Cash asked.

The memories hit me like a ton of rocks. The delicate slopes of her petite body. Her thick blonde hair. Her beautiful blue eyes that reminded me of the American flag. Her soft features. Her rosy red cheeks. I drew as much of her in as I could before I had to dumb down my answer for my brothers.

Because if I described her the way I wanted to, they’d never fucking let me live it down.

“Blonde hair, pretty long. I think she had it braided back, maybe? Blue eyes. I remember the blue eyes. And a small little thing. Petite. But I don’t know how tall she was or anything. When I remember her, I was already on the floor and her hand was already supporting my head.”

“So you don’t remember initially seeing her when you stumbled in and were still upright,” Cash said.


“Well, then tracking her down calls for one very specific thing that’s sure to work.”

A grin spread across his lips for the first time during dinner.

“A Wild Party,” I said.

“A Wild Party,” he said.

“Oh hell yes,” Everett said. “It’s been a hot second since we’ve thrown one.”

“Yeah. Work’s been doggin’ all of us. It’d be nice to unwind with the pretty women of Charleston for a night,” Cayden said.

“Yeah. The ones that don’t hate us,” Flynn said.

“Hey, we’re very upfront with what we want and expect. Not our faults they think they can change our minds,” Drew said.

“Ain’t that the truth,” Everett mumbled.

“You got it hard last time,” Cayden said. “I’m surprised you’re so eager to have another one.”