But my mind wasn’t on any of that.

It was on the woman from last night.

There was a part of me that wanted to do more than thank her. At the very least, there was a part of me that wanted to do more than verbally thank her. But with the nurse’s insistence on bed rest, staying away from a beauty like her for a few weeks was probably a good idea. The last thing I needed was to bust open some stitches losing myself in a beautiful woman’s body.

Maybe I would dodge the nurse’s informative phone call until I was feeling better.

Or maybe, I wouldn’t.



“I still can’t believe what happened last night,” Bianca said sitting down next to me with a mug of coffee in her hand. Our apartment was small, but cozy. Bianca had that hippie vibe a bit, so we had loads of warm blankets and candles around. Neutral tones kept the place feeling warm even in winter. Though it was the South. It never really got cold, thank God.

“His wound looked really bad. You think he’ll be okay?” I asked.

“I told you to go with him, but you were insistent on not doing it.”

“You wanted me to go with him to see if we would hook up for being his guardian angel. Which I wasn’t, by the way.”

“Yes, you were. I saw how you caught him in your arms. You were a modern-day savior for that hunk of muscle. You really should have gone.”

“And I really couldn't miss out on the hours of work to go to the hospital with a stranger you thought I might be able to hook up with after he recuperated from his stab wound.”

“Well, when you put it that way,” she said.

“I could’ve sworn that man was drunk when he stumbled in,” I said. I was so concerned with how drunk he was I almost missed the fact that he was bleeding out. As I sat on the couch I wondered if I hadn’t reacted quickly enough. What would have happened?

God, what if he would have died? Right on the floor at my feet.

“Don’t worry. We all thought that, honestly,” Bianca said pulling me out of my thoughts.

“And you still wanted to hook me up with him.”

“Seriously, Jess. Get off it. Drunk sex is the best kind of sex if the man can keep it up. They last forever. You need a dose of that in your life.”

“No, thanks. I don’t find men breathing alcohol onto my skin to be attractive.”

“How deep was his wound? Did you get a good look at it?”

“Not really. There wasn’t as much blood as I figured there would be with something like that, but he was coughing it up.” I realized now again, how serious that meant it was. I sipped my coffee trying to push away the fear.

“Oh shit. That’s not good.”

“No. It’s not. I really hope he’s okay,” I said.

“We could always call around to the hospitals and find out.”

“No, thanks. I’d like to not stalk him, thank you.”

“Suit yourself,” Bianca said, shrugging.

“What a way to start a long weekend.”

“Can I just point out that you must’ve had some serious adrenaline running through your veins? That man was a hulk of granite, and when he hit his knees, you caught him like he weighed nothing.”

“I was worried for him, yes,” I said.