“Yeah. I was wonderin’ when the hell you’d move on from her and find yourself someone to occupy your time with. Good for you.”

“Good for me. Thanks,” I said flatly.

“What? What’s the issue here?”

“There’s no issue.”

“Have ya called her since the party?”

“What makes you think I have her number?”

“Nothin’. Figured if she’s got ya hooked this badly that maybe you two exchanged information or something.”

“I do have her number, but no I haven’t called.”

“And why the hell not?”

“Because I’ve been working, Everett.”

“But ya don’t work at night. I should know. I’ve had Kane goin’ out to the sites at night to make sure ya aren’t out there tryin’ to get yourself killed again.”


“You’re welcome. And anyway, you don’t sleep much. Maybe spending some time and wearing yourself out with a pretty lady will help with that issue.”

“Sex doesn’t help insomnia, dumbass.”

“Hey. Don’t get pissy with me. You're the one fawning after some girl and not fuckin’ callin’ her.”

He was right. I didn’t really have an excuse not to call Jessica. So why was I attempting to find one? Did I think things would turn out like they did between Lindsey and me? I mean, fuck. Lindsey was just shy of two fucking decades ago. So what if my high school sweetheart cheated on me? So what if the entire school knew but me? So what if she got her heart broken and came crawling back, only for me to be an idiot and take her back?

It was my fault I took her back. I should’ve known a girl like her couldn't keep it in her pants long enough to stay faithful. First time, shame on her. Second time, shame on me.

“She ain’t Lindsey, Luke.”

“I hear you,” I said.

“I don’t think you do. She ain’t Lindsey.”

“You can stop saying that name now.”

“You gonna call her?”

“Not right now.”

“She’s not—”

“I’m not fucking calling her in front of my damn brother who keeps chanting my ex's name like some damn ritual.”

“But you will call her.”

“Yes. I will call her. But I’m not distracted.”

“Yes, you are. But it’s fine,” he said.

“It’s not fine that I’m dis—”

I clamped my jaw shut as a sleazy smile crossed Everett’s face.