“Oh, hell yes. We like him,” I said.

“Oh, we really like him. Okay, so Lucas was all manly and Mr. Darcy-esque and he carried you into the middle of this hedge thing. Then what?”

“He carried me with our clothes on into the hot tub.”

“That sounds uncomfortable.”

“Which is why our clothes came off,” I said, grinning.

“Oh shit. Boy’s got game. Okay. Okay. I can get with it. What happened after that?”

“So much, Bee.”

“Did you come?”

“Oh yeah.”

“How many times?”

I blushed at her question before I bit down onto my lower lip.

“Three,” I said.

“Holy shit! Our boy’s really got game!”

“And a massive dick.”


I giggled before I brought my coffee to my

lips again.

“Did you get his number? Did you give him yours? Was this just a passing encounter? Come on, woman! Stop making me drag it out of you.”

“I did give him my number, yes. After I fell asleep on him.”

“You did what now?”

“So, after our shenanigans and whatnot, he brought me close to him and I rested against him in the hot tub. You know, to relax.”

“All sweaty and naked?”

“Oh yes. The best kind, right? There’s a chunk of time I don’t remember, but I do remember my head laying on his shoulder, so I think I might have fallen asleep.”

“Man, he must’ve wore your ass out.”

“Literally and figuratively.”


I threw my head back and laughed.

“You tried anal sex for the first time?”

“A girl’s gotta have some secrets,” I said.

“No. Not this one. Did you actually try it?”