“Yeah. You do that,” I said flatly.

“No. Really. I’m going to find us two wonderful, good, decent, big-dicked men with tongues of fire and words of sensuality.”

“What does that even mean?”

“I don’t know, but it sounds good, right? It’s what I’m going to find us.”

“How can you find it if you don’t know what it means?”

“Can it, Jess. You’re ruining my moment where I get to save your ass. You’re always saving mine. Like the time you bailed me out of the police station.”

“I picked you up after you got into a fight with one of the patrons of the pub,” I said.

“He shouldn’t have grabbed my ass. Oh! And the time you came over after my break-up with what’s-his-face?”

“All of them?” I asked.


“Bianca, I live with you. Of course I’m going to be there for you. It’s literally what I am all the time.”

“You’re ruining my moment. Shut up. Anyway, you’re always bailing me out of shit and there when I need you. So, I’m going to be here for you now in your years of need.”

“I’m not sure if that was a reassuring statement or a jab at my self-confidence.”

“Both. Now get your ass in gear. It looks like table 19 needs attention.”

“Last call for alcohol!”

I winced at the loud voice of the bartender before I looked over at the clock. Was it really last call already? I grabbed a tray and began to bus tables. Any tables. It didn’t have to be my tables. Because after this shift was up, I had a long weekend ahead of me. I took a day off for the first time in two years leading into a weekend I wasn’t scheduled to work, and I was ecstatic. Part of me cringed at the tip money I’d be missing out on, but my sanity was worth a little more than that. I stacked empty shot glasses and beer bottles and plates onto the tray, then tossed it over my head and weaved my way through the tables.

Then, I passed by Bianca as she held her arm out and stopped me.

“What? I’ve got a tray full of drinks,” I said.

“Remember how I said I was going to find you a man?” she asked.

“Not this again. One of us has to work.”

Bianca took the tray from over my head before yanking my arm and spinning me around.

“Feast your eyes on the man I just chose for you,” she said.

Of course Bianca would pick some stumbling ass drunk to hook me up with. The man was slumped against the doorway of the tavern, his eyes glassy and his face pale. Maybe in another light, he would’ve been attractive. His messy blonde h

air and tall stature were appealing. And his muscles. Wow. His arms bulged with strength and his legs were long and chiseled. The dark-wash jeans he wore were practically painted on him, showcasing every asset he had.

I kind of wanted him to turn around.

His eyes scanned the bar and I caught a glimpse of his darkened stare. I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were, but my guess was hazel. Or possibly gray. Either way, my eyes lingered a little too long on the man in the doorway because I felt Bianca nudge me.

“Told you so,” she said.

“He’s drunk, so thanks for that. Now I get to go break his heart and tell him we can’t serve him anymore alcohol.”

“Gets you talking to him. Told you I was a genius.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I started over for the man. The closer I got to him, the more handsome he became. And the bigger he got. If he wasn’t bent over from his drunken state, there was a good chance I didn’t come up to anything more than his chest. His arm was wrapped around his stomach and his breathing look labored, so I grabbed a small trash can in the corner and brought it along with me.