Page 67 of Married to My Enemy

“Piper,” Logan said, his words pleading for resolution.

“There’s nothing else to say,” I said quickly, not wanting to drag out the conversation any more than we already had. A quick goodbye would be best for both of us.

“I’m sorry,” he said. His head sagged and he stared down his hands which were once again wrapped tightly around mine. I watched him and waited for him to say something else.

Anything else.

But he didn’t.

When I couldn’t stand it anymore, I pulled my hands free and stood up.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“What’s the point in hanging around any longer?” I asked. Every part of me was aching.

“To say goodbye,” he suggested. “We won’t see each other for a long time and…”

“It all ends just the same,” I said, cutting him off. “Whether I sit here with you for another three hours or not for another second, nothing will change. You’ll still leave and I’ll still be here.”


I turned and left without looking back. I thought he would stand up and follow me outside, tell me he loved me or ask me to wait for him. Something. Anything at all.

When I pushed the door open and stepped out into the parking lot I knew I was hoping for nothing. The cool evening breeze hit my face and quickly dried the tears that were still on my cheeks.

Despite the pain that accompanied that memory, it still wasn’t the worst I’d felt. The worst pain came later. After Logan left town. After I realized he wasn’t going to try to see me before he did. After I realized that night in Kellan’s was our last night together. After I had spent hours crying myself to sleep and wishing, more than anything, that I’d stayed in that booth just a little longer.



It had only been a week since my last conversation with Logan and still, I woke up with a stomachache almost every morning. I hated feeling like such a lovesick girl. Logan crossed my mind at least ten times a day. No matter how busy I was, he always found a way to creep back up and take over my thoughts. To remind me just how much I missed him.

I knew it was coming. Logan was always talking about the SEALs. It shouldn’t have been a surprise. And yet, it was. It knocked the wind out of me and damn near broke me. The worst part was his smile. It was like he was happy to be leaving me, like our entire relationship had just been him marking time until he could begin his real life.

Thinking about it made my stomach roll again. That morning, I shot out of bed and hurled myself into the bathroom. I threw up everything in my stomach, which wasn’t much, and curled into a ball on the floor. When Audra found me, she sat down next to me and rubbed my back slowly.

I rolled over to face her, knowing how pathetic I must seem to someone as strong as her.

“He’s just a boy,” I said, my voice weak. “I don’t know why it’s affecting me so much.”

“Because you love him,” she said gently.

“So, what?” I argued.

“So, it’s going to hurt for a while,” she said. “But, Piper, I don’t think that’s why you’re sick.”

“What do you mean?”

Audra sighed and reached behind her. Slowly, she laid a box down beside and brushed my hair off my face.

“I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

I frowned and watched her leave, closing the bathroom door softly behind her. When I looked down at the box in my hand I almost screamed. The pregnancy test Audra had given me felt like it was burning a hole in my hand.

I sat up quickly, fighting another wave of nausea. The box fell onto the floor and I stared at it for a few seconds. All I knew in that moment was that she was wrong. I wasn’t pregnant. Logan and I were always careful. I had been on the pill for two years. There was no way this could have happened.

Still, something tugged at the back of my mind. One night when we were drunk… After we left Kellan’s… Did we use protection that night?