Page 196 of Married to My Enemy

“No,” I said more calmly. “We can meet up at your place. Are you staying with your mom?”

“No, I got my own apartment so I could be closer to campus.”

Oh. Wyatt and I all alone in the confines of a space that smelt like him. Where I couldn’t escape his charm, or have a distraction from his sex appeal.

What could possibly go wrong?

He pulled out his smart phone – a slick-looking, clearly new model - from his back pocket and said, “Give me your number and I will send you the address.”

He looked at me expectantly.

Even though warning sirens were blaring in my head, I began to rattle off my number. He picked up from the middle, finishing the last four numbers for me.

“You have the same number,” he realized before adding, “So do I. It’s-”

I become stuck on the fact that he still had my number memorized but then remember that I knew his by heart too. Even after all this time had passed.

I made a big deal about scrolling through my phone like I was entering the digits but they were already saved.

I never deleted them.

“I’ll text you my address in a few minutes.”

“Okay, I have to go now. I am late for… an appointment.”

If Wyatt noticed my hesitation, he didn’t show it.

He beamed another smile at me and said, “See you tonight, Hailey.”

I walked away knowing I was making a huge mistake and still helpless to stop myself.

Chapter Seven: Wyatt

I was as nervous as a high school virgin out on his first date. What the fuck was wrong with me?

I looked in the mirror hanging on the wall for the umpteenth time, smoothing my hair down and looking for imaginary creases in my clothes.

I turned away, making an impatient sound at my lovesick behavior.

It was fucking ridiculous how hung up I was on this woman.

Even now there was an uncomfortable snugness in my jeans just thinking about her. My attraction to Hailey was undeniable from the moment we sat in that lab almost eight years ago. It grew with every day we spent together and blossomed into heated desire when we started dating. Now though…

Now was a whole other ballgame.

The desire I fel

t for Hailey back then felt like firecrackers compared to the fireworks I felt now.

Hailey was all grown up. She had always had a curvy figure but the way she filled out her clothing now damn near left me panting.

It was puzzling how strongly I felt for her now. My feelings for her before seemed soft and innocent compared to the basic rawness of them now.

I wanted between her thighs and my brain was clouded by thoughts of how I could get here.

I couldn’t claim that my offer to be study buddies was completely innocent. Yes, I would love to have her as an academic partner again but plain and simple, I needed to be close to her as often as possible and this was the perfect excuse.

I moved over to where I had my laptop, textbooks, and notebook set up at the kitchen table.