Page 148 of Married to My Enemy

“I’ll take care of the District Attorney on my own, Lawson,” I said.

I held my tongue, letting Lawson catch a breath, and calming my own nerves. I had been snatched out of my recently discovered happy place, and it was absolute torture.

I took a sip of whiskey and walked away from Lawson further down the bar. If the District Attorney was here, then I needed to do what I came here to do, even if I couldn’t seem to take my mind off Sydney.

I looked out among the crowd trying to spot the District Attorney amongst all the people that had suddenly arrived. He wouldn’t be out in the middle with everyone, instead he would be keeping a very low profile. I looked over to the side of the room where all of the secluded VIP tables were located.

They were covered by curtains and darkness but they still had a clear view of the stage. I smiled as I headed towards the area.

I walked past the woman in the red suit from earlier and sat back down at a table. I took another sip of whiskey as I looked at the other tables around me. A slow smile spread across my face when I looked at the table directly diagonal from mine, where the District Attorney sat. He was almost covered by the darkness of the club, but I could make out his features easily. I pulled out my phone and waited for him to move himself more into the light. A girl was draped over his lap. When the music changed to a smooth jazz, I saw him lean forward in his seat, and I quickly snapped a picture.

I finished my drink, happy to be to have found my way back to the VIP area. I turned my gaze from the District Attorney towards the stage, curious. I wasn’t going to take part, but since I was going to be here, I would enjoy the show.

The woman in the red suit was the first on stage, followed by exaggerated applause.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Chicago Buyer’s Club!” This was met with another wave of applause. “We are glad you could make it to our special event today! Everyone is welcome to participate! Remember! The highest bidder takes the prize!

” After some more cheers, she said, “And now welcome our MC for the event, Lawson West!”

The audience erupted in a literal standing ovation. Bright lights danced around the room, and the music played louder. Even I contributed a few claps.

Lawson burst out onto the stage, jumping around like a fool, cheering with the crowd. Some rock star.

“Are you ready, ladies and gentlemen? Are you ready to find love and companionship?” The crowd screamed in response. “That’s what I like to hear! I trust most of you have been given your auction pads?” Several dozen people were waving their voting pads above their heads, as Lawson nodded. “Good, good! Looks like we are all set!” He looked left, then right. “Is something missing? Oh, yes, of course! Please, give it up for our beautiful ladies!”

He stepped to a side, welcoming the girls on stage. They walked in a line, like pageant contestants, waving and blowing kisses. They were all in the same dark red body con dress. Pretty but boring.

Nothing I hadn’t seen before.

Until I saw Sydney.

What the hell was she doing up there?!?

I forgot how to breathe. I squinted, but I didn’t have to. It was her.

Waving and smiling with the rest of the girls.

But she wasn’t like the rest of them. Sydney was above them.

Besides she wasn’t available to be bought, I had already claimed her.

These assholes were about to know what it was like to lose to Owen Hayes.

Chapter 7


I was petrified.

We had all been given instructions on how to behave – smile and wave, and I was doing exactly that. At first, I felt stupid, but seeing as how everyone was doing it, I thought I’d fit right in. Isabell was standing next to me, she seemed a little more animated and enthused about the whole thing.

I was kind of surprised quite honestly, since she seemed to only be here for the money.

The dancing lights were blinding, so I couldn’t really see the crowd. The music was deafening, so at least I didn’t feel any stage fright. It almost felt like it was just us on the stage, rehearsing a play.

Keep it together, you’re doing great, I thought to myself.

I kept repeating it like a mantra in my head, trying to relax. When the applause had died down, Ava stepped back onto the stage.