Page 69 of Married to My Enemy

“I was going to say hi at the wake, but you ran out of there pretty fast,” I said. I studied her face, waiting to see a reaction I recognized.

“Yeah, it was getting crowded back there,” Piper said without emotion.

“Well, it’s good to see you,” I said tentatively. “I’m sorry about your uncle.”

“Thank you.” Piper’s voice was cold and I all I wanted to do was crack the ice and see the real her again.

“How are your parents taking it?” I asked.

“They’re fine,” she said. “Sad. Like all of us.”

“Well, the wake was nice,” I said. “They did a great job. I’m sure Jeff would have loved it.”

“You didn’t even know him.”

“No, but I knew of him,” I reminded her. “You told me stories about your whole family, remember?”

“That was a long time ago, Logan,” she said. “Things have changed.”

“Like what?” I asked. There was a desperation in my voice I knew she could hear. Piper always knew me better than I knew myself.

“Everything,” she sighed. “Everything has changed.”

I walked beside her in silence. There were so many things I wanted to say, but none of them felt important enough. I glanced over at her every few seconds, hoping to catch her looking at me, but she never did. Her blue eyes were sparkling in the sunlight and she looked angrier than I’d ever seen her. Shit, the was going to harder than I thought.

It amazed me how someone could be so angry and so beautiful at the same time. Even when she wouldn’t look at me. Even when I could tell she wanted nothing more than to be rid of me, she was the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen.

“Not everything. You’re still just as beautiful as ever,” I said softly. Piper flinched and I immediately regretted my words. “I’m sorry.”

“What do you want, Logan?” she demanded.

“I just wanted to see you,” I explained. “To talk to you.”


“Because it’s been five years…”

“I know,” Piper said, her voice tight. “Which is why I don’t understand what good this will do. Why bother coming to Jeff’s wake? Or chasing me down now?”

“I told you, I just wanted to see you.”

Piper glared into the distance. She tightened her arms around her chest and picked up her pace. She walked faster, telling me without speaking that it was time for me to walk away. I didn’t. I couldn’t. Now that I was finally talking to her, I didn’t want to stop.

“No one told me you were back in town,” I said. I knew I sounded stupid, but I couldn’t stop myself. The words were flying out of my mouth at warped speed. I just wanted to hear her voice again.

“Why would they? You’re not important to me anymore, Logan.” The venom in her voice was like a punch to the stomach. My eyes never left her face. I waited to see if she would thaw even slightly, but she didn’t. Her eyes were focused on the sidewalk in front of us. She didn’t spare so much as a glance in my direction.

For years, I dreamt of what it would be like to see her again. I played her voice over and over in my mind when I was out on a mission or when training became too monotonous. It kept me calm, centered. My memories of here were my anchor. Now, when I was finally getting the chance to be with her, she couldn’t even bother to look at me.

Rage filled my body and I felt my face flush red. I told myself to stay calm, that she was just hurt after the way things ended between us. To me, we’d ended with a possibility for a relationship again in the future. To Piper, it must have felt completely different.

Still, my disappointment got the better of me. The longer we walked without Piper sparing me a glance, the angrier I became.

“I don’t mean anything to you? Clearly. You couldn’t even call? Pick up the phone after all these years? After all the letters I wrote you?”

“No. And I never should have come back.”

“Why?” I demanded.