Page 152 of Married to My Enemy


Standing outside the bar waiting for Owen’s driver, we stood silently next to one another.

I was confused. On the one hand, I wanted Owen to like me and to want to take me back to his place. I felt our connection, and thought he felt it as well. But at the same time, he had just bought me at an auction! I still couldn’t quite comprehend that this had really happened, and still had my doubts about the whole affair.

I felt like I owed him, and that maybe this passion I felt for him was just that. But I trusted him. Out of everyone I had met that night, Owen had been the only one to grab my attention. He was funny, charming, and open with me. Not to mention insanely rich and willing to pay huge money just to spend a night with me.

Was that fair? Or were my feelings misguided? I told myself it was part of the game – an innocent exchange. Only we were no longer in the comfort of the luxury club. Standing in the street at night felt awfully close to reality, and it was not as pretty.

But one thing I knew for sure was that from the moment he blocked my view on the stage and our eyes met for the first time, there had been electricity between us. It was like nothing I had ever felt for any other man.

I wanted to be with him; to get to know him better than anyone. I wanted to sleep with him. What I wouldn’t give for a night with this man…

Owen’s driver finally arrived, double-parking the town car and stepping out to open the door for us.

“Sorry it took me so long,” he said.

Owen didn’t reply, just helped me get inside, and then sat next to me. The driver shut the door and went around the car and back behind the wheel.

The cabin smelled strongly of new leather. I took a deep breath and exhaled. Holy shit this was a nice car. “Is this yours?”

“Nice, isn’t it?”

We sat in silence for a moment as the car sped up.

“This was something, huh?” Owen said. “I’ve never been to an auction before. It’s…”

“Wrong?” I offered.

“In a sense. It’s just an odd practice. Legal prostitution.”

“Is that what this is?”

He moved closer to me. “It can be whatever you want it to be. I did pay for you after all.”

I couldn’t breathe. Yes he had paid for my company. Was this what he wanted? Me?

I wanted him, that was for sure.

He dragged his finger along my leg and let his eyes lock with mine. “Do you want to go home?”

“No,” I admitted honestly. He sent a text on his phone and I wondered what was so pressing that he needed to do so at that moment.

Then he sent another, a smirk crossing his face.

“Okay then, are you hungry?”

For so much. “Yes.”

“Perfect, there will be food…” he said mysteriously, his lips parting in a smile, showing his white teeth.

I played along. “Owen, where are we going?”

I turned to look out the window and realized we were driving away from Chicago, heading northwest. Of course, there were many potential destinations in that direction, but I could think of only one that would be crazy enough for Owen to have picked.

We were heading for O’Hare International Airport.

I swallowed hard. I had been ready to go to a restaurant or a late showing of a movie, but flying somewhere? That was something else, and I wasn’t sure I was onboard with that.