Page 147 of Married to My Enemy

Chapter 6


I watched as Sydney left the bar, and it was as if somebody was sucking the air out of the room. Suddenly I felt empty and useless sitting there, drinking whiskey on my own. I should have followed her, dealt with whatever prick was picking on her friend. And then I could have taken her home.

I began hearing all the sounds in the room again, and they pissed me off: there was a couple of drunk guys to my left, sharing tales of their sexual conquests – each sounded more like bullshit than the previous one – and to my right was a group of young girls taking selfies with their colorful cocktails, giggling like a bunch of idiots. The music was awful, the bass too deep, reverberating in my chest and making me uncomfortable.

I looked toward the bathrooms but Sydney had disappeared.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Sydney. Her laughter, her light blue eyes, so lively and real. So, unlike anything I saw around me. And her freckles! And those lips! I could just imagine them wet, wrapped around my cock. I was giving her five more minutes and then I was going to bust into the ladies’ room myself and take her home.

There was something special about that girl, and it made me want to spend every minute with her. The word love never occurred to me – I didn’t believe in bullshit like that – but the attraction, the chemistry was there, like a force field around us that had cut off the rest of the world. I couldn’t shake that feeling, I didn’t want to.

What I wanted was to bend her over my Porsche and fuck her.


She hadn’t asked what I did for a living, or what brand my suit was, or how much I made.

She didn’t care about any of that.

She was real. And I was real with her. I had forgotten how that felt, not to be fake, not to wear a mask for other people. But with Sydney, I didn’t seem to have to hide. And I would give anything to experience that again.

I knew a nice restaurant not far from the club. Maybe I would be decent enough to take her out to dinner first. Learn her last name before she would be screaming mine.

I ordered another drink, looking at myself in the mirror wall of the bar. I looked good. People liked when you looked a certain way. And I was in the business of talking to a lot of people.

One of them, I saw, was quickly making his way to the bar.

“So, I believe the District Attorney just walked in.” Lawson was at my side, still drunk. I guessed there was more than alcohol involved.


“That’s great,” I replied, just to say something. Sydney was on my mind.

“Didn’t you want to talk to him?”

I turned to him, realizing what he said. This was my chance. “Yes, I’ll head over there in a few minutes.”

“Well I wouldn’t wait too long. I’m not sure how long he is planning to stay.”

I ran my hand through my hair, slightly frustrated. While I knew I needed to go speak to the DA, I also wanted to stay here and wait for Sydney.

“I’ll head over there in a minute, just let me enjoy myself for a bit,” I responded with a slightly harsh tone.

Lawson raised his hands. “I’m only trying to look out for you man.”

Fuck him. When had he ever actually looked out for me.

The friendliness in my tone was steadily draining. I didn’t want to get into it with Lawson in the middle of the club. I had been pissed at him for months when he knew I was having some troubles with the business. He knows people that could have easily gotten me out of it, but he never felt the need to share those contacts.

“Lawson, I appreciate the invite tonight. But stay the hell out of my business.”

Lawson shut his eyes tight, like a math teacher explaining a problem a tenth time with no result.

“Fine, Owen. I get that you don’t actually want my help.”

I closed my eyes and tried to breathe in a calming breath. Maybe Lawson was just trying to help, however, I could handle my business by myself.