Page 139 of Married to My Enemy

“Congratulations, buddy! I knew you would pull through!”

“Of course we did.” I clutched the elbow rest.

“True. But word on the street is the District Attorney is gunning for you, know anything about it?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ugh he just wanted to run the rumor mill. I didn’t give a shit about what he wanted to know, I had to actually handle my business.

“Well I hear he frequents an investment of mine.”

“An investment? Which one?” Lawson owned properties all over town, easy to hide his money that way.

“Do you remember that place we used to frequent in the old days? The Chicago Buyer’s Club?”

I did. Back in the day, when we had just graduated college and started making our first money, the club was where we spent our weekends. Those were some legendary parties that saw cash flying in the air amidst girls’ underwear. I stopped visiting it right after things with work started to pick up.

“What about it?” I asked.

“Well, it’s somewhere the higher end people in this city like to be.”

“Why are you telling me this Lawson?”

“Hey I figured we used to help each other, and I screwed up, stopping that relationship. This is my olive branch. Meet with the District Attorney, or even better snap a few pics of him enjoying the ladies and be on your way. It can only help your case.”

He had a point.

The me of five years ago would’ve been out the door already, but the me of today sat still.

“I don’t know about that, Lawson. As tempting as that sounds,” – it didn’t – “I think I’ll pass.” I wasn’t very interested in getting back involved with Lawson and his underhanded tactics.

“Come on, man, don’t be like that. Look, I’ll be paying for everything, whatever you want. Women, booze, whatever, you just get that pic.”

He wanted this blackmail for his own purposes, I was sure of it. But it was still worth a shot.

“Oh, and did I mention?” Lawson said, bringing me out of my thoughts on the commissioner. “There will be an auction! A dozen of hottest chicks we could find! The best of the best!”

The idea didn’t sound appealing at all, but speaking with the District Attorney there might play to my advantage. I doubted the DA would like it to be common knowledge that he frequented auction houses of women. It was even worse than a potential sex club.

“Okay, Lawson, I’ll bite.”

“I knew you would want to come! I will see you there Sunday at nine, okay? I’ll tell the boys to reserve a space for you at the staff parking.”

“You’re overdoing it.”

Lawson laughed. “I know, I’m just happy my old pal Owen is back!”

“I never left,” I said. That part was true, he left me. I was still here.

As soon as I hung up, I saw Monica stepping into the office. “I cannot believe you agreed to meet with that asshole!”

“Easy. I’m not meeting with him. I’m checking out the club, and speaking to the other attendees. Maybe I’ll get a date or something.” I smirked at her, we both knew I didn’t need to buy some girl.

I could have whatever I wanted.

Whoever I wanted.

Whenever I wanted.

Monica considered it. Then said, “Wear the navy suit. It makes your eyes shine.”