“Owen!” Lawson stormed into the room, arms spread wide, heading towards me for a hug. “So glad you could make it! You look great!”

Lawson, on the other hand, didn’t look too well. I set my glass down and stood up to be embraced. He smelled of vodka, his smile white on his red face. He had a considerable belly, too. Time had changed him, and not for the better.

“You look alright yourself, Lawson.”

“Yeah, right! You can speak your mind, buddy. Won’t hurt me. I’m starting gym next week, anyway, so in a few months you won’t be able to recognize me!”

The bullshit the man was able to spew! One of Lawson’s many talents.

“Anyway, how do you like the place?” he continued.

I made a show of looking over the booth, nodding approvingly. “Better than ever. I like what you’ve done with the stage.”

“One of the first things they did! I suggested it. Investor’s money speaks you know.”

Lawson froze with a dumb smile on his face, and I took a sip of my drink.

“So, any sign of the District Attorney yet?”

The smile changed slightly, but didn’t go away. “Always on the lookout, aren’t you, Owen? You haven’t changed a bit!”

“Neither have you, I’m guessing.”

Lawson glanced away, then looked me in the eye. “I’m sure he will show up once the bidding starts.”

“But you think he will actually show, right?” I wouldn’t put it past Lawson to have lied to me about the District Attorney even coming to the club.

“He got the invite so he will be here.” He glanced at the crowd again.

“He just got an invite?” He didn’t respond. “So you aren’t even sure that he will be here.” I clenched my fists slightly in frustration

“I know what you need from him Owen, just do it the easy way, okay?” he asked quietly.

Shit, I thought. While Lawson was technically a friend, I didn’t really want to get him involved with my plan. His way was never easy.

All I wanted to do was to see the District Attorney here at the club, participating in the event, and then hold it over his head the next time he tried to fuck with my business. But whatever Lawson wanted from the District Attorney was probably far worse than the quick picture I intended to blackmail him with.

Lawson said, “Look, just stay for the evening, see what you think, maybe stay for the auction, okay? I’m sure he will be here shortly. I need to meet some more people. I’ll see you later. Thanks again for swinging by.”

We shook hands and Lawson left the booth.

I could see right through him. He was all talk, and the District Attorney was never going to show. Once I walked past the fake bar outside and found myself in a glitzy nightclub, I discovered it was only another front. I could only guess what kind of schemes Lawson was involved in, but whatever it was, I wanted no part of it.

I had enough of my own shit to deal with.

I finished my drink and left the booth, walked through the lounge area, and headed towards the exit. Taking a closer look at the guests now I was seeing men we had dealt with in the past. Men whose wives would not be too pleased that they were here. Even though I might not get to see the District Attorney tonight, maybe coming Chicago Buyer’s Club wasn’t such a bad idea, after all. These bored assholes were here thinking that they were getting away with everything.

I needed another drink, just one more before I bailed. Maybe I could hear some of the gossip before I fled, making the trip worthwhile.

I changed my course and turned towards the bar. It was empty, save for a few people, as everyone else was going milling around making deals.

I was almost at the bar when I stopped short.

At the bar, leaning on a stool, was a girl.

Her tight black dress caught my eye first, and when I looked up at her face… There was something in the way her face was animated that made it hard to take my eyes off her. She brushed her blonde hair over her shoulder, and I no longer saw anything but her.