Page 20 of Nail Me 2X

“I’m gonna fuck your mouth, hun.”

She barely nodded before I took my cock in my hand and she took me in her mouth as far as she could. She reached for my hips but I moved her hands to the side and trapped her head between my fingers. Then, as she started to get fucked, I took off. I thrust deep into her mouth, feeling the back of her hot throat until she gagged but she urged me on.

Her hands were trapped and her mouth was mine. I saw the pleasure etch across her face as she got closer and closer. I was about to come, but I had to watch her again first. Her moans grew closer and closer and then her body froze, clenched, and then trembled between us. It was a pretty fucking sight. I came fast and hot in her mouth, and Tate went faster until he finished.

They moved so she was between us and I kissed her hard. Tasting everything, dirty and perfect.

“I…I wasn’t expecting that.” Adley had barely caught her breath.

I traced a line down the center of her body, circling her pale nipples as I looked at her.

“Coming here dressed like you were? I don’t believe you.”



To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I wasn’t disappointed either, not at all. Tate and Levi kept me on my toes, and made me forget all the pesky things swimming around in my head.

I needed that.

The water wasn’t running in the house yet so it was quite the chore trying to clean up. We walked downstairs but stopped in the foyer. They moved some things out of the path from the front door. It was hard to believe the place even looked the way it did before they started. And I had a harder time trying to envision how it would look when they were finished.

“We got you all dirty.” Levi and Tate walked me to the door. Levi smirked at me like he had a secret, and Tate just winked at me.

It made me blush. The way they looked at me like they want me naked all the time, but also like they were trying to look into my soul. It would be intense enough from one man, but I was getting it from two. And they already had seen me naked, and we had done very, very heated things together. Still, they made me nervous. Made my palms sweaty and my knees a little shaky.

“I don’t mind,” I murmured in response. I thought I was still in a daze from our romp in the bedroom. Those two had quite the stamina, and my body was just getting more and more sore every time I was around them.

They had already gotten dressed, but had more work to do on the house. I wouldn’t have anything to do if I had stayed, and I think I was more of a distraction than anything else.

They both smiled at me and then gave each other a look.

“You’re so adorable, Adley.” Tate stepped away from the threshold we were standing in—the front door hadn’t been put back on the hinges—and took my face softly in his hands as he leaned down to kiss me.

His lips coaxed across mine softly, sweetly. He pressed harder and slid his tongue into my mouth. Tate sucked on my lips until I felt it in my toes and I leaned up, grabbing his wrists in my hand. It only lasted a few seconds but it left me breathless and more flushed than I was before.

“See you later.” He drew his bottom lip between his teeth in that undeniably sexy way men do, but it looked perfect on him.

“Yeah.” I nodded, my eyes fleeting to Levi.

“I’ll walk you out.” Levi said.

I nodded again and Tate’s hands slipped from my waist as I walked to Levi’s side, and we set off for my car. I needed to get a real car at some point, the rental was getting expensive, and I would save money just taking cabs. I was distracting myself from the hulk of muscle next to me.

“I like when you come visit us at work.” He trapped me between the car and his chest, with his hand on my left side as he leaned over me.

He was so close his scent was the only thing I could smell, the hard cologne and the natural musk of his body. It went right to my core. Tate’s too, and having those scents surround me at the same time was heavenly.

“You just say that.” I giggled.

It wasn’t that I was used to affection. Just that I never knew how to respond to it. I didn’t get much of it growing up, unless it was from my grandmother. All the men in my life were after one thing. And if they showed interest in helping me, it was just so they could say I owed them something in return. I knew that wasn’t the case when Tate and Levi, but I still had to remind myself that their affections were coming from a sincere place.

“No, never.” His brows drew together and he looked right into my eyes then.

How was it possible to feel such a deep connection from two men? At the same time? When they looked me in my eyes, I felt like I was coming apart. And staring back at them was like baring my soul. Opening myself up to possibly getting hurt. Because I knew they weren’t just fleeting thoughts anymore, I had feelings for them.

For two men, I had real feelings. Not the kind that only last a week, and not the kind that only exists around sex. The kind that were in my heart, eating me alive. It was way too much to handle, almost too much to bear.