Page 9 of Nail Me 2X

“All good, hun. Talk with you later.”

“Okay. Bye.” I hung up fast and threw my phone like it was toxic.

He must have known I was trying to find an excuse to go over there and see them. It sounded obvious too. It was good I keep my distance anyway. I didn’t know how much more controlling I could do. Of my libido or anything else for that matter.



I didn’t hear anything from them for four days. The end of the week brought on warmer temperatures, but I mostly stayed in the hotel. I sort of wished I had made friends, or had a different job that I couldn’t just quit.

I did start looking online at local bakeries for waitressing jobs or assistant to a pastry chef. Something simple I could get my foot in the door, but no one was hiring. This area was tiny.

I read a lot of ebooks, but I was growing bored. And antsy to see Levi and Tate. I was still thinking of them every night and the fantasies were growing in creativity. I didn’t know I had such an imagination. But it went from touching and kissing to imagining what they felt like in my hand. Or what they felt like inside of me. I was almost quaking at the thought of it.

But how the hell would I initiate…not even initiate, but just be with the both of them? I wasn’t even sure if they thought of me that way. They were just working on my house. It was nothing.

But I still felt something from that day. I told myself I was just being crazy and restless. Riddled with both guilt and grief. I didn’t know what to do with my emotions. So, I told myself I was just scoping out the local job market when I went to a local bakery to grab some cupcakes for them. Hopefully there wasn’t anyone else there so it wouldn’t seem like…well, so it wouldn’t see

m like exactly what it was.

I got back to the house around noon and their truck was parked outside. There was a big Dumpster packed with garbage and the front porch was trashed. But I still got the feeling that it would be something soon. I grabbed the box of cupcakes and headed inside.

It was dusty and torn up but I saw the potential. I called out but didn’t get an answer. Then I heard a big, clamoring noise. Almost like a drill or something, coming from the kitchen. There was laughing and that same noise as I walked in, and then it stopped.

Both Levi and Tate were shirtless. Gloriously shirtless. Levi had deep ridges of muscles, his pecs protruding. Tate was packed tighter, his muscles hard slabs. They both had six packs and powerful arms. Their jeans were snug, their bodies glistening with sweat.

“Hi,” I said timidly.

They dropped their tools and smiled at me. I nearly buckled at my knees.

“Hey,” they said almost in unison.

“I uh, brought you guys cupcakes. It’s um, really hot so I just…wanted to—yeah.” I laughed nervously and set the box down.

“Thanks, hun. That’s sweet of you.” Levi went for it immediately and Tate smiled as he took one.

“How are things going?” I swallowed nervously. Watching them lick the frosting off the cupcakes was more of a turn on than I thought.

“Pretty good. Nothing disastrous has happened yet,” Tate laughed.

“Oh okay. I guess that is a good thing,” I smiled.

I caught Levi looking over my body when he thought I wouldn’t notice. I had worn a tank top and jeans. I would have gone for shorts but my thighs rubbed together and I hated that sweaty feeling when there was no fabric. I knew he was looking at my boobs. A lot of guys did; they were just out there. But Tate was subtler about it. And they both shot each other this look I couldn’t place.

All their exposed skin and muscle had me thinking of my fantasies again.

“So where did you decide to stay?” Levi asked me.

“A hotel. I don’t have any friends. I don’t know why I just told you that but, it’s true.” I shrugged.

Tate smiled at me like he was amused, but not in a bad way.

“Nice. A little mini vacation.” Levi reached for another cupcake. I was glad I bought four. “These are good. Amelia’s in town?”

“Yeah how did you know?” Please say she’s not your girlfriend, I thought.

“I buy her pies, great lady. Did you have one?”