Page 61 of Nail Me 2X

“Hey, you.” We hugged and found a good seat.

“How is it going? How is work?” I asked her.

We ordered iced green teas and waited for our food.

“Okay, I think I am getting a promotion soon. But who knows? What about you?” She leaned forward with all meanings intended.

“Um, nothing much. They are putting things together for my start-up. It’s exciting.” I smiled.

She looked worried for a second and then brushed it off. I wanted to pry but I think I was just in too good of a mood. Work is going well, school is almost up, and none of my classes really have finals. And of course, the two men I am constantly pressed up between.

“I know, I’m so happy for you.” She touched my hand gently.

Our food came and I ate my sandwich and fries greedily. Sarai was still quietly brooding. I sighed as we neared the end of our meal.

“What is it?” I asked her.

She looked at me with soft eyes. “Has Logan said anything to you about him being a professor here? What it could mean?”

I froze over. My heart fluttered a little bit as I swallowed softly. I stared back at her.

“No. I mean, we both know. Neither of us have said anything about it. But we’re never seen together on campus.” I answered. And it was true. We both knew that we had to be careful.

“It’s just that…when I was in class today I heard these girls talking about him. They said they had heard he was—um, seeing one of his students.”

The table became a saucer and the floor wobbly underneath like we were spinning out of control. This was my biggest fear. Did they know it was me? Who started the rumor? There was so much I didn’t know and so much that I still wanted to know. It would make me crazy trying to figure it all out right now.

I had to take a few deep breaths to calm myself as I stared back at Sarai. She patiently waited and touched my arm gently.

“Madeline, are you okay?” She was laced with concern but I still couldn’t process.

If someone knows about it us it can get bad. I am just about

to graduate, my name has to be flawless if I want to get anywhere. I can’t be labeled as…someone who sleeps with their professor. I mean, I have never taken a class from him and he isn’t my professor, but he does work for the school and I am a student. It’s bad.

“I’m…I’m fine. Thanks for telling me. Do you know anything else?” I asked, hopeful she had heard at least something else.

“No. Just that they heard people talking about it around his office building.”

I nodded. “Okay.” I glanced at my watch. “I have to get going. And I have to talk to Logan about this.” She nodded.

“I’ll walk you out.” We paid the tab and then headed to my car.

“Are you calling him?” She asked me and I simply nodded.

I called him and it rang twice before it ended. I called him four times and didn’t get an answer, maybe it was obsessive but I was freaking out. I stood by my car as I left a voicemail saying it was urgent, and he needs to call me back. I sent a follow up text too.

“No answer?” Sarai asked.

I shook my head, my throat lumpy. I felt cold inside, like I was watching this all from a different view. Watching myself. How could I be so stupid anyway? I knew school was almost over and I had to stay focused so I could do well with the internship.

Should I have sold to them that first day? Then I wouldn’t be around them, and I would have money for a new start-up or something to float me until I settled in with a company. Though I knew I always wanted to run my own business. Still, I was regretting getting involved and I felt so torn because I already have feelings for them.

I knew their tells and they knew mine. We…fit. Somehow, and I didn’t want to let it go. I wanted to explore it. But not at the expense of Logan’s career and my reputation.

I went back home and buried myself in a book. I called his assistant and told her I fell ill and would be back Monday. I studied even though I knew the information from the inside out. It was nice to go back to my old days before two men paraded into my life and left me in cahoots.

Sarai came home and we had a nice girls’ night. We watched movies and ate alfredo pasta. I told her how I really felt about the two of them and it was nice to talk it out.