Page 131 of Nail Me 2X

“Sure you are. But you’re never calling me at 10 o'clock. Some of us have jobs you know, we work.”

I rolled my eyes. “Hey, starting tomorrow I'll be joining the working class once again.”

“Are you serious? You haven’t had a job since, hell I don't know when you've had a job last. Not working in your parents’ company anymore?”

“Not exactly. I'm going to work of the Children's Hospital downtown. Apparently, my uncle has an issue with the fact that I borrowed one of our investor's yachts and landed up in prison.”

“Prison? Like you did a hard time?”

I shook my head. “No, no. Just in the drunk tank for the night. But the investor pulled out of our firm and my uncle is pissed. So he’s making me work at the Children's Hospital for a month and he's making me get married.”

I could hear him laughing at the other end of the line. “Married? Who are you marrying?”

“Well see, that's the problem. I have no fucking clue what I'm going to marry.”

“What about that model? What the hell was her name? Natasha?”

“She's long gone. And don't think I didn't try to call her because I did. She wouldn't even answer. You know half the girls in my phone book wouldn't answer. What the hell is up with that?”

“What the hell is up with that? Are you kidding? You’re a player. That's what's up. Girls don't marry players, they just talk.”

Wasn’t that the truth. But up until just a couple days ago I never minded that. Actually, I preferred it. Fuck ‘em and let ‘em go. But now I need one to stay around, someone I could actually spend time with. At least the next four months’ worth.

“So what's this about man? Why are you calling me?”

“I need to find a girl. Somebody I can spend some time with. Someone, I can marry,” I could hear him chuckling on the other end of the line. “But it's not going to be like that. Just a few months, and then I'll cut them loose. With a huge check to go with it. Shares of the company, my uncle is finally going to give me full access to my trust. If I work at the hospital for a month and I get married.”

He could almost see John shaking his head. “You can't be serious! No one is going to go for that.”

“I don't have a choice. So, are there any women in the force? Anyone who could use some extramarital benefits? I like a woman with a gun.”

“Hell no. No one I would set you up with! Any of the single ladies in my unit are smart. And to most of them are married! Hell some of them are older than me. I don't know how to tell you this Cole, you're screwed. Anyway, I'm on duty so that got it back to it, but good luck man. Sounds like you're having a hard time.”

Just then Addison emerged from my bedroom wiping her eyes with my shirt and just a single pair of undies on. Damn, she was hot.

“Yeah okay, buddy. Thanks anyway. Bye.” I swiped my phone to hang up the call.

“Morning sleeping beauty.”

“What time is it?” She whined as she put her hand above her eyes to block out the sunlight coming from my floor-to-ceiling windows in the kitchen.

“After 10.”

She groaned. “I need to text my sister. Have you seen my phone? Wait. Have you seen my skirt? I think my phone was in there.”

I pointed to the couch. “I think that's where I tore it off of you.”

She dragged her feet along the white carpet and flopped down on the couch pulling her phone out of the pocket of her skirt. I turned off the griddle and put two pancakes on a plate for her, grabbing the Bloody Mary off the island and walking into the living room setting it down in front of her.

“You cook?”

“Don't sound so surprised. A man's got to eat.”

“Yeah I get that, but men like you have cooks. Chefs or whatever. They don't usually make their own pancakes and Bloody Marys. By the way, this is really good.” She said as she took a sip.

“I have a proposition for you.”

She pulled her feet up on the leather sofa underneath her so she was sitting Indian style. A single strand of black curly hair fell into her face and it took every fiber of my being to not push it out of her eyes. God, why was I so attracted to her?