Page 13 of Nail Me 2X

Levi looked at me in a way that said he wanted more than just me body.

“So, you don’t have much memory of the Island?” He stared into my eyes at the foot of the staircase.

He had shown me their media room, their bedrooms, and a few of the photos hanging on the wall. Tate had a few of him and his dad, and a few by himself. Levi had some blue print drawings, that looked like something an inventor would like. I got the sense he liked to do things from scratch, and was good with his hands.

“No, not really. My grandmother loved it here. We met a lot half way, I didn’t really come here.” I shrugged. I was trying not to get too caught up with my emotions.

Levi turned his eyes down and nodded. “Yeah. It’s hard to not regret stuff like that with family especially. At least you didn’t sell off her house to the highest bidder. It’s sweet that you want to fix it up.” He smiled, and it wasn’t that I want in your pants smile . It was sweet, and I never thought I would see it on him. But I knew it was rare.

“Thank you. I wanted to do it.”

He nodded and laughed. “Yeah. Well, let’s not leave Tate waiting, he loves people telling him he’s a good cook.” He turned and led me off to the kitchen.

“Is he a good cook?” I giggled.

r /> “Someone has to do it around here,” Levi answered.

We turned the corner of the living room to enter the kitchen. The counters were dark but the cabinets were light, and the floor was an old, reclaimed wood. It was very nice. There was a table off to the side with four chairs. Something was cooking and it did smell amazing.

“Hey. I heard you guys come in, what happened?” Tate turned from the stove with a bright smile. His bright eyes lit up his face, and he brushed his hair back with his hand in a sexy, casual way. He had on jeans and a collared shirt, but he still looked just as at ease as he did when he had no shirt on. I wasn’t sure which look I liked better.

“I was giving her the tour.” Levi answered as he went to the fridge. “What do you drink, hun?” he said to me.

“Um, anything.”

Tate winked at me and went back to the food on the stove.

“It’s almost ready,” he said.

Levi passed me a Blue Moon and opened one himself. He gestured for me to sit at the table. I sat on the left side and he sat at the end right next to me. His knee brushed mine and it brought my body alive, and my desires, too. It was hard to even swallow the beer. It sloshed around in my empty stomach. I nervously fiddled with the hem of my skirt, smiling timidly at Levi. I felt his eyes on me everywhere, especially my exposed chest. I should have worn something different. I didn’t pull it off very well, trying to be sexy when I was not sure I really was. I didn’t have that natural allure and I definitely couldn’t fake it very well. Levi didn’t seem to notice, or care, that I was very nervous. Neither did Tate.

“Do you need any help, Tate?” I called out to him in the kitchen.

“No, don’t worry. You’re the guest,” he smiled kindly.

“So, shouldn’t Levi be helping then?” I giggled through my nerves. They either made me stay quiet or ramble and blurt things out. I guess I was doing the latter this time.

“Nice one.” Levi chuckled and swigged back his beer. His full lips curled around the glass in a way that made my throat go dry. I drank halfway through my beer, but it didn’t help.

Tate happily served us our plates and sat across from me. His legs were so long his knee brushed mine. Both their knees were brushing my leg and it was making my stomach flutter way too much. And dinner was excellent; grilled chicken with an assortment of greens, and mashed potatoes so good and creamy it was hard not to moan.

“This is amazing. Levi didn’t give you nearly enough credit,” I said to Tate. I was on my second beer so I felt a lot more loose.

I didn’t want to get tipsy or anything so I knew it would be my last.

“Thank you. He can’t cook for shit.” Tate chuckled.

“So you always have to do it?” I asked after another bite. Again I had to try not to moan. The juiciness of the chicken and creaminess of the potatoes was just too much.

“Yeah. But it’s okay because he does all the laundry. I can’t stand laundry.” He feigned a disgusted face.

“Yeah, laundry is no fun. You really like doing it?” I asked Levi.

He chuckled once and nodded. “Yeah. I don’t mind it. There’s just something about doing a mundane task, especially one that uses my hands.” He shrugged.

“I get what you mean. That’s how I used to feel about baking stuff.” I took my last bite and sat back in my chair. It didn’t keep their knees from touching mine but I had gotten used to it. And comfortable.

“Used to?” Levi asked.