Page 128 of Nail Me 2X

“I was fired this morning. I got fired and I have been spending all day looking for new coding jobs and I can't find any! Which is total bullshit because I'm in a major metropolitan area. That was the whole reason I moved here so that I would never have to worry about a job again. But here I am looking for a job in a bar no less. And now I'm telling my entire life story to a complete stranger. I’m Addison by the way.” She stuck out her hand and I shook it, smiling at her my most charming way.

“I'm Cole. Nice to meet you Addison, sorry about the job.”

“Yeah me too. And now I am three beers in and I just feel like I need to burn off some steam. I'm in heels, not really ideal running footwear. And I don't feel like I can go home because my sister is going to have that “I told you so” face. And she'll be totally right. I can't believe I let the security software get hacked! That was my whole job. I only had one job! And I ruined it.”

She took another swig from a bottle and chewed on her lower lip as her eyes grew wide like she suddenly realized I was sitting there hanging on every word. “Why the hell have you been in a bar most of the day? You don't look like the unemployed type.”

“Yeah. And what type do I look like?”

“Well, you have some type of military tattoo creeping out from underneath that tight shirt of yours. So I'm guessing your ex-military?”

I nodded. “I spent some time in the army. And I actually do have a job, thinks my uncle.”

“You think you can get me a job too?”

I laughed. “Unless you want to be cleaning bedpans, I doubt it. Because I'm pretty sure that's all I'm going to be going.”

Sure he said I was going to be donating my time at the Children's Hospital but he made it very clear that he could give me any job he wanted. Just because I was an MD didn't mean I was going to get some great position. Besides they may not even like my background, starting as a medic in the military wasn't as glamorous as people made it out to be. Amputating legs in the field when a bomb went off? Doesn't look so good on your resume.

“Bedpans huh? You were a medic then. Good for you! We need more people saving lives in this world.”

She was so brutally honest, there was no façade with her whatsoever. I found it refreshing, and intoxicating.

“So Addison, if you don't want to go home, where are you going to go?”

She shrugged. “Hopefully somewhere I can find an outlet. I guess I need to keep job searching. I at least need to have applied to fifteen jobs before I go back to Elizabeth. Because that's exactly what she's going to tell me I should've been doing instead of sitting here drinking all day. I have to admit that drinking was way more fun.”

“I know we should go.”

She cocked her head at me, looking both adorable and confused at the same time. “Where?”

I took my fingertips and placed them on a laptop screen which was dark for the lack of power and shut it softly. “Come with me.”

Her eyes grew wide. “I'm sorry?”

“You, me, in my bed. One night, no strings. You can use any outlet you want to my house for a job search and I promise that if something comes available at the hospital I’ll help you get an interview.”

“I'm not trading sex for an interview.”

I leaned in close to her, my voice was barely above a whisper. “Darling, sex with me is worth way more than an interview. I promise, this is a winning combination.”

She considered it for a second, those luscious li

ps pursing in concentration. She held up her hand and waved to the bartender, “He is gonna pay my tab. He has an outlet I can use.”



I swayed slightly when Cole pressed his lips against my neck, taking out his apartment keys out of his pocket. He smelled wonderful, and his cologne fragrance turned me on. His dark brown eyes were glimmering with lust as he looked at me, opening his front door.

I couldn’t believe I was actually going to do this! I mean, I’d just met Cole, and here we were—about to sleep with each other. Just like that.

He grabbed my head and brought me to his lips, immediately pushing his tongue into my mouth. His movements were hurried and rough—like he was desperate to have me—his hands roaming over my back and ass.

“Cole,” I breathed out, grinding against him. I felt so high on this.

“Get in,” he said and ushered me inside.