Page 108 of Nail Me 2X

“Hello, honey.”

“Granny. What’s going on? Are you okay?”

She giggled. “Oh Bree. You’re always worrying. I’m perfectly fine!”

I exhaled silently, relieved to hear this. “I’m sorry. You know me.”

“Yes. Always the worried one. Seriously, Bree. I’m perfectly fine on my own. I know you always want to be next to me and take care of me, but I wish you would take care of yourself more.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re always too preoccupied with me and my needs. I want you to live your life for a change. I want you to think more of yourself and your needs. Even if we weren’t together, I would be fine because I would know that you were giving your best to live your life to the fullest.”

I smiled, grateful to her for these words. “Actually, I was thinking about starting college soon. I’ve kept postponing it, but I have to stop that. If I don’t go to college now, I might never get that degree and do what I love.”

“Oh Bree. I’m so glad to hear this. I completely support you. For a moment there I wasn’t sure if you were intent on getting that degree or not... You will be an amazing teacher. I’m so sure of it.”

“Thank you, Granny. I needed to hear this.”

“Don’t you worry about anything. I’m always here to support you, and whatever you decide to do with your life, I’ll always be there for you.”

I closed my eyes again, feeling much calmer. An overwhelming peace settled inside of me, because her words helped me regain confidence. I could do this. It was difficult right now, but this didn’t mean that it would last forever. I was stronger than this.

“Just like always, Granny, you’re the best.”

We chatted for a few minutes before she ended the call, planning to watch some soap opera she’d started watching recently. This conversation with her helped me a lot, and I was sure I was ready to face whatever would come my way.

She was right. I had to think more about myself and try to live my life. Hopefully, Caleb and Trent would be the major part of it. Only time would tell.



I was working out in the gym, having spent more than an hour here already, but it didn’t have any effect. I was restless and I had a lot of pent up energy that just kept increasing. The week had been pretty hectic, and there were several victims, which was something that stressed Trent and me the most.

Even though it wasn’t our fault because the building had already been swallowed by fire by the time we arrived, I couldn’t help but blame myself. There must have been something I could have done, and not knowing the answer annoyed the shit out of me.

It wasn’t the only thing that bothered me. It had been almost a week since Trent and I had seen Bree, and I was worried as hell about her. She didn’t have a phone, and we didn’t know the number of her hotel, so there was no way for us to reach her. Bree was on her own, and it worried me that we hadn’t heard from her at all.

I knew that we’d met her just recently, but I already felt something for her that I couldn’t give a name to. It was something I’d never felt before, and it made me want to get involved. I wanted to know where she was and how she was doing, especially since she’d lost everything and got separated from her grandmother.

There was so much I wanted to know about her, and even though one week wasn’t much, I missed her. I missed her smile and the way she made me feel when she was next to me. I needed to touch her—get to feel the warmth of her pussy again... Her ass...

“Man, you look tense,” Brian told me, riding a stationary bike next to me.

“Tell me about it,” I muttered, uncomfortable because of the sudden erection. Just thinking about Bree made me horny in a second.

“You need to get laid.”

I agreed. “Yeah.”

“If you want, we can go for drinks tonight. There will be a plenty of women.”

It was unusual but since I’d met Bree I had no interest in other girls at all. I had eyes only for her, so I wasn’t surprised that his suggestion didn’t make me excited at all.

“I’ll skip, bro.”

He arched his eyebrow, looking at me like he couldn’t believe me. “Are you sure? Up until recently you were the first to go after some chick, but now you’re all disinterested and shit?”