Page 8 of Reckless Hero

As class continued, I glanced around the room again. My eyes were beginning to water and I couldn’t stare at my notebook any longer. I squeezed them closed for a second and then looked around again. It was a short break, but it was long enough to take in the faces of my fellow classmates. There were so few of us that I knew I would learn everyone’s name by the end of the month. By the end of these four years, I imagined we would all be like family.

When my eyes fell on a familiar face though, I almost fell out of my chair. My body went rigid and my heart began to race. I blinked hard, sure I was seeing things. But when I looked again, I knew I wasn’t mistaken.

It was Tucker James.

He was sitting three rows in front of me with his eyes locked on the professor. I could only see the side of his face, but it was enough—I would know him anywhere.

Tucker’s sandy blond hair was shorter than I remembered. It no longer covered his face, but was still long enough that he had to toss it out of his eyes every few minutes. The curve of his nose and the set of his chin looked so familiar it made my heart ache.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Class was almost over, but I had completely lost where I was. M

y notes laid forgotten in front of me and I no longer heard a word the professor spoke.

My ears rung and my pulse zoomed.


I watched Tucker closely, wondering why he was there. The last thing I’d known about him was that he’d been stationed somewhere overseas. I hadn’t even known he was back in town.

Had he left the army for good?

My mind was racing when the professor dismissed us, his words shaking me back to reality. I jerked my head away from Tucker and began grabbing my things, haphazardly throwing them into my bag.

I needed to get out, fast.

Seconds later, I flew out of the room like hounds from Hell were nipping at my heels. I was the first one in the hallway, and I didn’t stop running until I’d reached the women’s restroom.

I hurled myself into a stall and fell against the wall. Breathing heavily, I tried to calm down, but couldn’t.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

Everything was spinning and I didn’t know how to make it stop. If Tucker was in that class, he would be in all the others. I wouldn’t be able to avoid him forever, but I wasn’t ready to face him.

Not after the way things had ended between us.

Over four years ago, Tucker left town, barely saying goodbye. We had been together for years, but he hadn’t bothered to discuss his decision to enlist with me. When his father died, Tucker had subsequently pulled away from everyone and everything he once loved, including me.

He had become someone I no longer recognized. A sad, lonely soul.

I had wanted to save him, but couldn’t.

His father’s death had ruined us both.

I could still remember the day he told me his father had died. Just thinking about it made my stomach tighten.

I swallowed and tried not to think about it anymore, knowing I could push him from my mind if I tried hard enough. It had become easier to do as the years passed, but seeing him again had undone all the effort I’d put into moving on from him.

I closed my eyes and pictured his face the way I remembered it—his hair long and his brown eyes full of life. He wasn’t yet broken in those visions. He was just the fun, adventurous, and cocky Tucker I’d always known.

That boy was gone now though, and I wasn’t sure of the man now in his place.

I was sure, however, that his presence meant trouble for me.



I was with Tucker when he got the news.